MOON at 10:30 P. M.

I was just outside with my dog and saw that the moon looks very very small like it is further from earth.  It is the size of a pea at arms length, or about a quarter of the size it should be.  Check it out and post what you see. 


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  • R.I.P. TROOP!
  • The moon seems small tonight also.(Tue, Oct 11,2011)
  • On the scientific front they say that magnetic pole shifts occur.  The last occured 750,000 years ago, I believe.  We are WAY overdue for another.
  • Yes it seems to me that something big is tugging on the moon pulling it away from earth on one side of the planet and making it closer on the other.  While it is true that we are growing larger, the earth spun faster befot the last pole shift.  There was an event that caused the earth to slow to its present rotation speed.  That event is marked by ALL of the civilised nations on earth to remake their calendars.  Rome added the months of Janis (January) and (Augusta) August.  While China, Mexico and others also added months to their calendars.  After our shift I am sure that the speed will change again and we will start all over with new time markers. 
  • MsRed, that correlates to the theory that Earth was also much smaller than it is now.  The theory goes that is why we had Pangea as one continent.  When Earth started to grow, Pangea started to break apart giving us the continents we know today.  IMO the Earth is going through another growth process and has been for some time.  Hence, the increase in EQ's and volcanic activity we have been seeing.  I think it also can explain any Earth changes recently.  I may be wrong but it is a thought.  :)
  • It took me awhile (I have so many saved articles, and none are tagged):

    "The Moon's orbit is expanding over time as it slows down (the Earth is also slowing down as it loses energy). For example, a billion years ago, the Moon was much closer to the Earth (roughly 200,000 kilometers) and took only 20 days to orbit the Earth. Also, one Earth 'day' was about 18 hours long (instead of our 24 hour day). The tides on Earth were also much stronger since the moon was closer to the Earth."




    and here are a few others I've saved (about the moon) that might be of interest, or have some pertinence:


    BTW, I don't bookmark articles, or their sites, because it bogs and clogs my bookmark searches. Instead, I email article links to myself, into a special email account I set up strictly for this purpose. Does anyone have a better way of saving articles without bookmarking them? It's tough looking through emails to find things, even though my server account has a search tool.

  • I read a piece not too long ago about the moon's orbit. It pretty much answered your question. I'll see if I can find it again.
  • I think Keith explained it with his question: Could the Moon's orbit around the Earth becoming a more elliptical, explaining the large and small reports?
  • I was told by a neighbor, here in Lake Charles Louisiana, that the sun seemed closer than usual.  I thought the moon last night was different but I couldn't pin point why!
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