I was listening to Mike Harris again and a listener asked about the approach of planet x although I have posted this information before it is worth posting it again.
Mike was told by a director of a foreign intelligence organization that the two dates to watch out fr when thus object will be closetst to Earth are August 17, and September 26.
so, a few more pieces of the jigsaw. it is one of this things we can only verify or disprove when the actual date come but seeing how close they are, well, we have been warned.
John Moore has Mike Harris as a guest NEXT WEDNESDAY. so don't miss it. talking about the August 17 and September 26 dates. the first date is the date of closest approach, the second date is when it leaves the vicinity of Earth. am listening to John Moore now. I keep an open mind , and have no fixed views on all this.
I endorse everything kerrie cassidie says, here, she is spot on. watch, wait, but don't expect. it s far far too easy for the pundits who have been looking for this object to arrive ( I am not one of them) and suddenly jump the gun. lets see what Mike and Bill and John have to say in the coming weeks , days.there does seem to be some truth in its existence, but has anyone every seen it?
absolutely, Paul, your right on the ball. I can send you a link but that is all you will here on this. I am just passing the words along. also, it may tie in with what is on Kerrie cassidies blog. I still say the galactic core is the real problem, this passing body may be a hiccup by comparison