INCOMING CME: NOAA forecasters estimate a 25% chance of strong geomagnetic storms around the poles on April 8-9 when a CME delivers a glancing blow to Earth's magnetic field. The cloud was propelled in our direction by a solar filament, which erupted on April 5th (movie). High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras. Aurora alerts: text, phone.
ANOTHER ERUPTION: For the past few days, magnetic filaments have been rising and snapping all around the sun. The latest eruption occured during the late hours of April 7th, shown here in an extreme UV video from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory:
A CME hurled into space by this eruption might deliver a glancing blow to Earth's magnetic field on or about April 9th. Like a CME observed two days ago, this one was visually confused by two other clouds leaving the sun from other blast sites at about the same time: movie. Stay tuned for updated analyses.
the best I can do is give you the link to coast to coast where they had a show based on the Seth books. they were channeled through Jane Roberts in the seventies. the finest channeled material in existence , and that is not only my opinion. Seth is a wonderful spiritual teacher, who spoke though Jane whilst she was in a trance. very deep profound reading. here are the links.
just follow the links, listen to the show. it may be on youtube by now.
obviously you were fully out of the body, in astral projection. perfectly real no imagination, it would be wonderful to master this. Most of us or all of us even do this from time to time. i have had dreams recently so real, it was like a parallel reality, I often wonder if that is what was happening. I go to bed just to get into these states I believe. Maybe we all do. have your read the Seth books??? most rewarding.
I think we are all opening up, maybe the old shackles are falling off us, maybe we are beginning to see with a very different set of eyes. there are signs, when the mind seems to separate, , and you catch yourself observing yourself, when the higher mind, the spirit begins to overshadow the mortal self. it has happend to me, but not often. ones whole being takes on a far greater depth. when we walk in the natural world and every color, every leaf, every breath of wind seem to have eternity within it, and the colors come alive, when the vision we once had is now a brighter, vibrant , direct perception of reality, this is what we are in for, once the changes begin.
Unfortunately no. I wish I could. I seem to be more intune with nature and instinctively know things.
Then it is a great pleasure and privilege talking to you, I had absolutely no idea. Do you speak the language may I ask? I think it tragic when these languages are lost. tragic
strange, very strange, but my own perceptions are sharper, more in tune with the natural world. this is not imagination. but very real. I had a long walk by the Holyhead coast on the tip of Angelsey yesterday, and had the strong impulse to do deep yogic style breathing, I could nt fill my lungs deep enough. did it the whole length of the walk. as for the ginseng, it is hard to decide what part this is playing, or if there is some energy as they say, coming into the world. maybe Tolec is right? No, it is not imagination.
there is an excellent American supplement site if I can find it, ......
here js the link;
and for ginseng
the fact womans own recommends Siberian ginseng is no reason why a man cannot take it!!!!
I will also look up some very good links on Mike Adams website, 'natural healing.'
I am Cherokee with a little Shawnee on my Fathers side. My Great-Grandmother was full cherokee on my Grandfathers side. That line goes to Tecumseh's sister. My Grandmother has Cherokee to the Cherokee County Georgia and made the first Trail of Tears before the manditory ouster. They are the Teehee, Proctor and Bearpaw's