well, shall we say disturbed. see the video below, what the UK police are up to now.

the explanation by the officer in the beginning is absolute rubbish utter drivel about as sincere as Machiavelli s prince saying he cares only for the welfare of his people.

I could get very upset indeed if this happend to me God forbid it ever does.


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  • what a fabulous movie, Byron, will watch the rest later.

  • many thanks, Byron, many thanks.

  • sorry, first reading I thought you said I was being paranoid, ah well, keep trying I suppose.....

    now this movie, Thrive' I have no idea, so have you any links? maybe look on Amazon.?

    I was talking  with John Dinardo, he suggested I buy a shortwave radio. I was somewhat taken aback at first however it is something I have long thought about, eventually. assuming the earthchanges are real and reaching a big crescendo, we may find the only way of knowing what is happening in the world is by shortwave.

    I reason even if all the major stations go down, someone somewhere will still be broadcasting on shortwave. now barring complete utter destruction of the ionosphere which is highly unlikely even in the worst planet x scenario, we will always have shortwave. as natural as air so, I ordered a sony 'world radio' which will cover most contingencies. all I need  are plenty of batters if the power goes down. or a solar panel... hmm next job maybe?  that's got me thinking.........

  • Nicholas  I do not think you are being paranoid as we were told long ago these type thing will be coming and now they are here and where you are Alex warned us years ago and its in their own words and in the history of the world in every takeover. I read the big O is going to hire 500,000 new Tsa agents. God I hope Ben Fulford and or alien brothers are going to make a move soon and start arresting the bankers and the rest of the satanic group as there are so many to put in jail. I just started watching the movie Thrive have you seen it.?

  • It is early, just got up, see what the day brings. it gets more and more fascinating, by the hour. so much to say on this. We have directives given to chief constables here and police officers from the Home Office, so one must assume as a trend develops in one force, the west midlands was it, doing these bus stop searches,?  we must assume they have directives from Whitehall. If we extrapolate back, going up the chain of command which gives me a few ideas......

    if we trace the chain of command we may arrive at the place where policy decisions are made and implemented. I think this may be a worthwhile line of enquiry for the future.

    now many of our , not my, leaders, are bilderbug members, and such, many are masons, high level at that. again we can see a chain of command developing.

    now, what we must look for is this. developing trends in security that spread from one or two locations as in your own country. thus the pilot police searches in the Midlands here. if these are extended to other areas, we cans see this is  a general policy decision, being implemented and not some one- of situation.

    I suspect  the onset  of the  Olympics will be test bed for all this, , and assuming something is coming, heavenwards,  the jolly red giant in the skies, we may  see security measures in place during the Olympics that are not rescinded afterward but kept in place and all sorts of excuses made. in short, Byron they want the control structure up and running and so can tighten the noose whenever they want to. I hope I am not sounding paranoid here....

  • Nicholas  with 8 months to the games do you not find it strange for so much to be going on. My feelings are that with the economy coming to its knees the police state must be implimented as fast as possible and they are only using the games as an excuse. You may be in martial law before us, careful bro.

  • I believe it is July, sumer. look at the BBC website, all the details should be on that. the security from what I have seen is ludicrous, even your CIA/FBI are involved the SAS, SBS, our armed forces. it will be  a total lockdown in all but name.

  • When do the games start.

  • this is a possibility by heck, it has always struck me as odd, if they know something is afoot, why on earth are most of the worlds dignitaries, and athletes descending on London? beside  the fact cancellation would give the game away, if there are impending earthchanges why have all these people gather  in one spot? something does not add up. any ideas please???????

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