This is a breaking news alert from NaturalNews.

North Carolina is voting on a bill TONIGHT that would criminalize homeopaths, naturopaths, midwives, herbalists and anyone else who practices "non-conventional medicine." They would all be arrested as felons, rounded up, prosecuted and sent to prison for "practicine medicine" without a conventional medical license.

Read our full report by Ethan Huff at:

You can see the proposed language of the bill yourself at:

We warned you that this was coming! This is the complete tyranny of the medical police state now being brought to bear against the healers of North Carolina. Healers will become felons under this bill, which turns herbalists into Class I Felons and essentially criminalizes all REAL medicine that exists outside the corrupt state licensing boards which are dominated by pharma interests.

Natural medicine is becoming too powerful, you see, and the corrupt, criminal-minded pushers of pharma poison, chemotherapy and radiation have decided they must round up and imprison all the natural healers in order to maintain their dominance over health treatments.

Your help is urgently needed:

* Forward this email to anyone who needs to know about this.

* CALL the NC Governor's office at (202) 624-5833 and loudly and forcefully insist that this bill is pure medical madness.

* Call the North Carolina House at (919) 733-7928 with the same message.



Update  for 4/06/11


Dear NaturalNews readers,

The vote on North Carolina's SB 31 has been postponed yet again as NaturalNews continues to lead the online uprising against medical tyranny.

Today, I write a sharply-worded charge against those who would seek to steal our health freedoms or imprison our holistic healers. The health freedom revolution is already under way! You are witnessing history as Big Pharma bankrupts the nation and a new golden age of health freedom will soon emerge from the ashes:




Updated  4/7/11


Dear NaturalNews readers,

Thanks to your relentless efforts, the state Senators of North Carolina have crafted a new amendment to SB 31 that would prevent the bill from being used to criminalize holistic health practitioners.

The amendment hasn't been voted on yet, so we're cautious in our optimism, but it looks as though this issue could be resolved within the next day or two.

Here's my update on the situation plus the new language of the amendment:

There's more good news today: The U.S. Congress has repealed the onerous 1099 paperwork requirement that was hidden inside Obama's health care reform bill:


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  • Morris  they  will not  be  happy  until they  have  taken  everything the  citizen  has  to  give  and they  are  able to  present  their  Masters the last drop  of life  that  We The People  have  to give.  That is when they  will  stop  unless they are  stopped.  However as  we  have  seen  that  does not look  likely  considering  no one  seems  to  think there is  anything  amiss.  As  I  recall the  Democrats  did  not  do any better when  they  were  in control.  So as  long  as   we  keep  playing  Politics  as  usual,  we  will continue to lose and  be  abused.

    It  will take determination and guts  to  do  what  must  be  done.  Are We The  People  ready  for it ?  I'm  really  not  sure.  I think  many  Americans  have  forgotten  what  it is  to  be  an American and  the  responsibility  that  comes  with it.  I pray  we   remember  soon  because   I  don't think  this Nation  can take  much  more........

  • Kim  this  is a little  about  Wormwood



    Artemisia absinthium

    Herbs gallery - Wormwood


    • Absinthe
    • Absinthium
    • Ajenjo
    • Common Wormwood
    • Green Ginger
    • Madderwort
    • Old woman
    • Wormwood

    Primarily native to Europe, wormwood is a perennial shrub-like herb that has grayish-white colored stems wrapped with delicate and glossy hairs. Wormwood normally grows up to a height between one and three feet and bears leaves that are smooth, hairy and contain secretary cells. They also have resinous particles (viscous substances) and have a yellowish-green appearance. The wormwood plant produces a fragrant scent and has a highly spiced that is rather bitter in taste. Although the plant is indigenous to Europe as well as northern Africa and western Asia, currently it is commercially cultivated in many parts of the world. The useful parts of the herb include its leaves and the fresh or dried flowering tops that are normally harvested before or during the blossoming season. Wormwood is generally used in the manufacture of vermouth or white wine, while another species known as sweet wormwood (A. annua) is grown as a decorative plant. However, in addition to being an ornamental plant, sweet wormwood is rich in vital oil that has powerful functions against fungus and bacteria.

    Here is how you may make best use of wormwood to keep off flies and pests. Smash a small quantity of woodworm leaves into a moist mash and then blend it with a little apple cider vinegar. Then place a small quantity of this soaked combination into a six-inch square bandage cloth, draw up the corners of the gauze and tie the corners at the top. You may wipe the skin systematically with the mixture in the gauze to ward off horseflies, gnats, mosquitoes and other insects while you are away in the open. The consistent mixture can straightway be applied externally on pets to keep them off any botheration from all kinds of pests, insects, and fleas.

    Recent reports published in the Planta Medica issue says that the some species of wormwood have been used in medical examinations for healing hepatitis as well as safeguard the liver from scratches produced owing to intake of injurious chemicals. In a report published in another medical journal called the Chern. Phann Bulletin, it has been stated that wormwood is a vital medication in healing jaundice as well as swelling and irritation of the gall bladder (cholecystitis). The report further states that a tea prepared with wormwood is likely to be beneficial in curing jaundice and the gall bladder inflammations.

    As mentioned earlier, as a herbal medicine, wormwood is beneficial in healing fevers and infections and it also enhances the immune system. The herb is also useful in getting the body rid of toxins and clearing heat and clogging in the system. For most effective use, wormwood can be blended with mint for a better flavor and taken to heal colds and flu, persistent or chronic fever, food poisoning, catarrh (inflammation of a mucous membrane, especially of the respiratory tract), skin problems and arthritis. History reveals that woodworm has also been beneficial for women. It has been a favorite herb with the women to incite uterine narrowing or contractions during childbirth. It may be mentioned here that wormwood is especially useful when the birth is sluggish in getting going and contractions are weak and ineffective. On the contrary, wormwood can also be used to usher in belated or holding back menstruation owing to stagnation (a state of inactivity) in the uterus and also for distressing periods. At the same time, wormwood has a diuretic action and it is useful for any liquid retention during the time of period.


    Read more here

  • What is the next step for the Republican Party... to outlaw the human species...replacing us with robots that look and act like human beings...who don't mind paying taxes....When will the Republicans pass this into law.....When they do, no one would even notice the switch...
  • Wormwood - never heard of that.  Is that something one can grow?

    Also, I wish I could grow sea kelp!!

    And we do have red raspberries that grow around our property.  We also have black raspberries.

  • What the Codex Alimentarius is:


    Codex Alimentarius

     Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The Codex Alimentarius (Latin for "food book") is a collection of internationally recognized standards, codes of practice, guidelines and other recommendations relating to foods, food production and food safety. Its name derives from the Codex Alimentarius Austriacus.[1] Its texts are developed and maintained by the Codex Alimentarius Commission, a body that was established in 1963 by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO). The Commission's main aims are stated as being to protect the health of consumers and ensure fair practices in the international food trade. The Codex Alimentarius is recognized by the World Trade Organization as an international reference point for the resolution of disputes concerning food safety and consumer protection


    Nevada SB 412 to make felons out of natural health practitioners



    Marti Oakley, Contributing Writer
    Activist Post

    Here’s another piece of the steamroller being perpetrated by those God-fearing, bible quoting, God is moving on my heart, Republicans.   Another state under siege by Republican legislators as they do their part in the nationwide assault on natural healthcare practices and implement a backdoor Codex Alimentarius.

    “Dirty Harry” Reid(D) did his part by passing the fake food safety bill with one “unanimous” vote,  on the Federal level, accomplished with every Democrat and Republican Senator other than himself voluntarily exiting the Senate chamber before the vote.   That bill included the query of “How and whether to implement Codex Alimentarius”.

    Well, now we know how they will do it.
    Not quite successful in handing our right to choose the healthcare of our choice over to international interests including Codex Alimentarius, “Dirty Harry” is now stepping aside in this assault on our rights and handing the next assault over to Republicans who are happily complying.   (And you thought there were two political parties!)
    In virtually every state simultaneously, are bills criminalizing anything but state sanctioned and approved healthcare choices, brought to you by the Republican party with a few stray Democrats thrown in.  (Have to make it appear “bi-partisan, you know)

    Of course, this bill in Nevada is a mirror of the bills in other states and requires “registering, licensing and FEES”.  These are not only revenue raisers, but this one establishes a committee to oversee the practitioners of natural therapies, manned by …you guessed it…. a Board of Complementary and Integrative Medicines; the same people who will hand you prescriptions for toxic medications that can kill you.  The same people who perform needless surgeries or just plain mess up thousands of them and who are held blameless for their missteps.



    Read full article here:

  • Kim  Echinacea is good to  have  because it is  an  immune  booster.  The  list  for  basic  herbals is  varied  depending  on  whom  you  peak  to and  what their  preferences  are.

    I  prefer to  keep  it simple.

    For  Detox a nd  Heavy  Metal elimination:


    Burdock Root


    Milk Thistle

    Red Clover

    Licorice Root

    Red Raspberry  Leaf


    For Cardio Vascular Health


    Lecithin (Soy based) ( None capsule source  would be  fermented soy: ie tempeh, tofu etc)

    Hawthorn  Berries

    Juniper  Berries

    Nopal ( none spiny cactus pads)


    Nerve tonics  and  Anxiety  Relief


    Valerian Root




    Wormwood ( also  an antiparasitic)

    Blood  Sugar Normalizers



    Fenugreek Seeds


    Minimizers for Radiation  Damage


    Sea Kelp

    Anti Oxidants - Beta Carotene (fresh carrots  are a  rich  source)

    Burdock Root


    MSM - Methylsulfonylmethane ( Organic Sulfur)


    Immune  Boosters



    Vitamin D

    Co Enzyme Q10

    Fresh seed sprouts


    Natural Blood Thinners


    Ginkp Biloba

    Fresh Lemon Juice

    Fresh Grapefruit Juice


    Anti Bacterial and  Antifungal


    Tea Tree Oil


    Tea Tannin (  Any  spent tea bag  ill do  as a  compress for  infection  or  swelling)


    The  list  and  possibilities  are endless  depending on  your  need  or  preference  If  you  have  anything in particular you  have  in  mind  please  let me  know  and  I  will provide a list.   There  are  some  here  that  are not  necessarily  seeds that  can  be planted   however  I  feel that they are  so  potent  that  it  would be a  good  idea  to  try  and  get  as  much  as  possible  together  to  store  for   use when  needed.

    I  do  not  claim this  to be  the  only lists  viable  for  the  uses  I  have  stated.  They are  what  I  can think of  at the  moment.  As  I  say  if  there is  something that  anyone  has  any questions  about  or needs  herbs or  supplements  for  , please feel  free to  ask  and  I   will list  them for  you.  There  are so many   swimming  through  my  head  that  it is  hard  to list  them  all.

    The  more  natural your  diet  the  healthier you  will be.  Sprouts  and   raw foods  ill provide  enzymes that are  not  readily  available in  cooked or  processed foods/  These  enzymes  are  the  energy or life  if  you  will of the   foods  and they are  assimilated  as  such  by the  human  body.


    I  will try  to  add  as  they  occur to me...............


    Hope  this helps!

  • Cheryl, It is all about keeping up the fear so as not being awakened, the more fear more souls that will not ascend. The very top on the NWO is wanting Souls to do their bidding(slaves). They know the Earth will become two Earths One of the 4/5 density, the other will be in lowest part of 3rd. Weather your alive or have passed on if in fear, will be on the lower Earth!


    Who Are the Rebels on the Way to Loss of Freedom?
    Filed under: General, Hot Topics
    Posted by: The Saoshyant @ 9:30 pm

    It is time to awaken to the chip that will be used to identify you.  Do you think that you are controlled by a government or by the ones from outer space?

    Why is there a need to implant each and everyone with a chip in the brain in the near future in order to control them?  It is because, ah, you then have no need to carry your cell phone?  Just by thinking you could activate the cell to make a call or send an email.  Your ID would, of course, be known by the central boogieman machine and then they know where you are.  Oh, ouch.  You just lost total control. 

    Do you know that your Internet provider can, at will or at the command of the new world order, invade your computer where sucker you have all meaningful and personal information stored – from phone numbers of friends, family, work, boyfriends and girlfriends, etc?  Later, yes later, your Internet provider suddenly becomes part of the wrong party and they don’t like your belief system.  Ouch.  Or they don’t like your race or colour. 

    Be in the know.  Prepare yourself for the near … very near … times ahead.  See the Gaddafi game and know there was no gas or oil shortage.  They generate fear, fear and more fear.  You pay, pay the price and believe the story.

  • desertrosetx - what herbal seeds should I get a hold of?  I need to get a good supply.  I already have echinacea growing in my flower beds which they have been spreading over the past few years. :)
  • Oh  I  thought  you  were  referring  to the  Article in   question here in the  US.
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