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  • Every time I hear someone say you can't handle the truth I laugh loud.

  • Absolutely!!!!!!!

  • You could very well be right Jim. I was considering the possibility that groups of humans in the past (at the point or just before the planet purge by whatever mechanism) have transitioned to 4D and are therefore in another dimension (and are currently existing). Maybe those that transition this time will join these people.

    Non-survivors maybe re-incarnate to 3D earth.

    Remaining survivors obviously remain to rebuild and have another go at getting it right.

  • Bryon, you are right about the greed and power.  And that power is usually kept by the same people who always manage to survive.   Peter, yes, some races were brought underground to survive and still others were brought to Mars to live.  Few here know that I spent several years doing Mars research.  Here are a few human faces that I found on Mars.  There are many that I think were built to represent the different human races.  That is if I can post more then one.  2967656575?profile=original

  • Jim

       I partially agree with that but each time we do we go n a different direction technically. The end result is probably Greed and power. 

  • Maybe David Wilcox is right and we are just repeating the same old cycle!

  • JIM

     What you said is very well put. The world has had to reset several times that we know about and probably many more. It always gets to a new point of technology as seen from the many artifacts found on every continent that have things we can't even figure out with our own technology. There are mega cities found in the oceans and under ground and they all left us a warning and it looks like it is here. They probably dug up cities and wondered also.     

  • GT, I believe everything is connected somehow.

    Jim, a pole shift is still possible - but IMO only one of a number of possible things that could end up with the same result. Then again, we may be saved from this result by ET action this time - or have many been "saved" before under similar circumstances in Earths history and have been transitioned to a 4D existence with the remainder left to carry on and rebuild.

    Every possibility seems to have a counter possibility.

    Whilst I enjoy exploring different possibilities and try and suss out what feels more possible/probable - I'm now at the point that I'm ready for a dose of the truth - I'm ready to know what is really going on and what this period of change is all about - whether good, bad or indifferent!

    I think many would agree!

  • We must always stay alert.  History tells us that civilations have been wiped out many times over by pole shifts.  Our knowledge only goes back 5.000 years or so.  But those in the past have left us many clues as to what happened.   What ever the cause, weak magnetic field, PX, comet, the sun, too much ice, what ever, the results is the same, a polar flip and the end of the world.   The trick is to survive!  How many times did the people flee off the planet?   In  a given length of time we automaticly advance to the point where we have to make that happen.  We have just some 6.000 years to start up the ladder again.  Will we make it this time?  Or will we have to start at the bottom again.  Do you know how to make a car or a rocket? 

  • oops, I thought I did type ISON....

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