Greetings to all Lightworkers and souled ones upon Earth Shan! I give hope and healing to all souled one,. for many of you are weary, tired and beset with not only physical problems, but emotional weariness these last days for you upon Earth.
This scribe is no different for she is weary and on pain with misplaced ribs, however she is at work listening to what I have to tell every souled being upon this planet.
What most people do not realize is that Mother Earth has feelings just as all hu-mans, and feels the pain of a bomb when it is explodes upon her surface. She feels the suffering of ones displaced from their homes because of the banks, and because many on the middle east are refugees struggling along the roads to safety in another nation that would welcome them.
These ones from Ukraine have been told to evacuate their homes to safety. They have struggled with their government and have lost their freedoms just as the U.S. Government has done to their people as the Nazi Regime had taken over some time ago.
Mother Earth, also, weeps over the once great nation of the U.S. which has been taken over by the same evil ones of Communism or Nazism, which are one and the same. Oh, these evil ones have had explicit plans for many years to reach this point in history. Read The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, their long-made plans that have done tothelst period and dotted “T” Here is the Link: http://fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/history/zionism/news.php?q=1395933780
How do I know all this? I know everything! I know every thought actions or deed that all of you make every second of the day. I knew of the evil plans of the Dark Ones long ago. Now, you ask, why have I not cleaned up this mess?
Hold on, there! Am I supposed to come to Earth and clean up the mess deliberately made by reincarnated humans? NO, NO and NO! It is not my job to clean up your mess. It must be done by YOU! You people of your country have that Great God Power within you to clean up your own mess.
I shall speak first of Ukraine. Whether you believe me or not, the one saw the mess and had the power to clean it up was the statesman and enlightened one, Putin. He saw the Nazi Regime next to his country, and what their plans were for his nation. He made the military move and took out the Nazi Regime.
It was told that other countries, i.e. the U.S. and those countries that made up NATO were to stay clear and not interfere. Let me tell you that NATO is not a lovely benevolent organization! They side with the Nazi Regime and are mounting troops and military equipment to interfere with the Ukraine situation. The evil government of the U.S. has similar plans. There are other countries that harbor the same attitude.
What is happening here is the forward movement of World War III using nuclear weapons. These countries think they have the greatest military technology available and it would be a joy to take down Russia. What they do not realize is that Russia is far, far above all other countries in military technology and advancement, and the outcome of a nuclear war for Earth would result in a similar situation as you see upon Mars!
Mars was once a thriving planet with people but was destroyed by war to become a desolate planet in 3D. The glory of Mars only lies in the fact that people DO live on her surfac,e but it is in 5D!!! Mars graduated eons ago! You only see the 3D mess made and cannot see with 5D vision.
Do you realize that the SAME ones that destroyed Mars and doing the same to Earth? They are reincarnated to destroy Earth, as they did Mars in 3D. They shall NOT win! I have decreed Earth and her people shall NOT be destroyed!
How do I know this? It is because there are ones called Sananda’s Flock that have helped Mother Earth! They realized that the clean-up had to come from hu-mans, not just God cleaning up the mess! Don’t you remember the messages from Bellringer about his experience in being the lunchroom advisor in the school at which he taught?
The teachers were picking up the trash the students threw on the floor. The more he picked up the more they laughed and threw more food! It was Patrick that made the students pick up their own trash. Is it any different upon Earth?
What can YOU do? Well, for one thing you can join in saying those Petitions on this website. By doing so, you cause a great wave of goodness to flow across the entire Cosmos. Do you realize that it is not just Earthen ones saying these Petitions? Ones across the entire Cosmos are joining in and saying these Petitions, and making them suitable for THEIR planet.
At any rate, Mother Earth is watching very, very carefully the events upon Earth and knew that SHE WINS! She will NOT allow herself to be destroyed, and has the last say! You DO know what that means! I will tell you one more time.
She is ready to graduate, turn upside down on her axis when doing so and wash the entire surface of Earth of everything in 3D. All lands shall sink under the great oceans for 3,000 years of cleansing and those lands and continents that have been cleansed under the oceans for 3,000 years shall rise again!
Enlightened ones that have never lived upon Earth shall inhabit her and treat her with royalty.
Where will all the present humans be? You shall judge selves and decide where you go to learn lessons, or if you have completed lessons you set for yourself and graduated.
We offer safety, but it is you, who shall decide your fate to step into our beam of safety when all cataclysms occur. When is that?
Anytime and without warning.
SO, my dear ones! Do your part! Stay healthy, eat properly as you can, and READ and MEDITATE. Clean up where you live and stay FOCUSEDL BALANCED AND CALM. ASK FOR THE HELP OF THE LIGHTED REALMS, FOR WE STAND READY, BUT YOU MUST ASK FOR THAT HELP.