HATONN: Greetings, chela. I am Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn of the Lighted Realms, and I come to you in Love and Joy on this beautiful sunny day where you are living. You, Anne, have been asked to communicate a short message from the Lighted Realms, and since we have communicated together since 1994, I am here to be the first to speak. Shall we begin?
ANNE: Yes, and thank you Hatonn for being here today. All souled ones are most anxious to hear what you have to tell us.
HATONN: For those who need further information about me, I repeat what I have written in the Phoenix Journal # 3, Space-Gate: The Veil Removed. I am Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Commander in Chief, Earth Project Transition, Pleiades Sector Flight Command, Intergalactic Federation Fleet-Ashtar Command; Earth Representative to the Cosmic Council and Intergalactic Federation Council on Earth Transition.
You ones on Planet Earth Shan are at the very crossroad of wonderful and fantastic changes, that all the Realms of Heaven have awaited for so long. There are millions of starships surrounding your planet at this time, some here to help you ones, and some here to observe the glorious Graduation of Mother Earth to a higher dimension. I want to confirm here and now that the Phoenix Journals are Truth presented to you one last time. Oh, there are those of you who say that some of the Phoenix Journals are not Truth. They are Truth. Let me clarify.
Back in the early 1990’s when the first Phoenix Journals were published, you ones on Earth Shan were in a dire situation. Many people were still “asleep” and not aware of the dangerous situation and take-over by the One World Order. Yes, nuclear war was imminent, and “Lift-Off” of you ones was a prime objective. I know there are rumblings of such to happen with a World War III today, and it has frightened many of you. Creation has decreed Earth shall NOT be destroyed by nuclear such as Mars. Yes, things have changed and nuclear war will no longer be allowed.
When the Phoenix Journals were put forth, Truth was spread to the people, however, it was when the Phoenix Journals were put on world-wide web by Fourwinds that the Truth was, indeed, spread worldwide. Remember, all who have returned to Earth this last life-stream are Masters, who have come back to help bring Mother Earth into her rightful birthing to a higher dimension. Some have awakened to this, but others are still unaware and asleep, however, there are enough awakened souls who have petitioned for peace on Earth, for the restoration of Earth in her graduation to a higher dimension. This effort has been be-set with many attacks from the Darkside, and at times the Lightworkers have been in despair and have been impatient for things to happen, but the battle for the Darkside take-over is over. The Forces of Light have won! Creator God always wins!
I am here to tell you that all the effort of the Lightworkers has not been in vain. The return of Sananda (Jesus) is forthcoming quickly, together his Lightworkers. He said he shall come like the thief in the night—without warning. I am delighted that Creator God’s Plan 2000 has never faltered nor stopped, but only seems that way to 3D thinking.
Patrick Bellringer has said, “God always seems to be a little bit late”, and yes, it seems that way, but remember that all is progressing rapidly, in “time”, and forthcoming immediately. Plans have changed at times because of freewill, but now that we are under Galactic Law, you know that all is in place and ready to burst forth in glory.
I, Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn of the Lighted Realms, am one with Creator Source and One with Thee Ones, The Great Council of Light has heard the prayers and pleas of not only the Lightworkers, but those great Cohans and family members of Sananda’s Flock. Also, Mother Earth gave the green Light for the coming home of the Lightworkers, and we have asked Mother Earth to keep that promise!
What can you Lightworkers do to help? You must keep balanced, centered, focused and calm, and ask that your frequencies be raised to 169443 to be beamed safely aboard. Also, you must pray for ALL souls, clones, and send them all MUCH LOVE and LIGHT. This will benefit them greatly. ALL are precious to the Lighted Realms! You shall be coming home at any time. BE READY!
I have heard your utmost prayer!