Nibiru does exist, proof positive

Dear reader,


When I found this article today I skimmed it quickly and made a hasty assumption that the author was claiming that ELEnin was Nibiru. After carefully reading the article later I came to the realization that Nibiru is 8 AU's behind ELEnin but on the same orbital path. What's interesting is that Nibiru is a very large object with a huge magnetic field that extends some 8 AU's out from the center of the planet. Another odd thing is that Nibiru will pass earth at the same time next year as ELEnin will do this year. I was going to attach the article with this post but it's 7 mb in size and we can only post up to 5 mb. So here is the article link as posted at scribd You can download it, it's not locked.


Thanks, Ron Davenport

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  • Ok Demian,
    I see exactly where you are coming from.  First off please say what you mean as opposed to expecting others to realize what you are referring to intrinsically which simply is impossible.  I realize that something passing closer to our satellites will appear larger.  I realize that we have been observing the sun for some time and I realize that most objects between the earth and the sun are point was that not all are viewable, proven by the Trojans I mentioned.  The planets in our solar system are affected by much more than just gravity....please take a moment to check.  Particle flows affect them, the solar winds help them along on their orbits.  Gravitational anomalies that we are just starting to understand are at play and to say this is all known is simply not true, sorry.  We are an incredibly young race in space and what we don't know completely overshadows what we do....I was just illustrating to you in particular that there are multiple points of views especially when dealing with this topic. 
    By the way you would not be able to see a rogue planet if its trajectory is coming from the southern hemisphere unless you were down there.... and the satellites capable of viewing a BDS are ironically located in the northern hemisphere of our planet.... I do not claim that what I have said is the only truth, but it does carry a grain of truth.  I am not here to refute you or to prove you wrong in anyway but you should understand that this is exactly how you have been interacting with others on this site, so please take no offense for counter points that have been made.
  • Part two:

    Probably it would even appear bigger and I forgot to add all the allegedly moons. Here we would have pictures like in star wars and that live on Soho and Stereo. Even a trivial comet in the right position between Soho and the sun can look like a monster- planet. In reality we only see a rather small object which appears so big because of its coma. And now imagine how Nibiru would look when it had a very big cloud around him. We would probably see no more Soho pictures at all, only a white screen.


    Besides that the magnetic field force is not important and never influences the orbits of planets. So nobody has to read that 92 pages full of hoaxes. We have a certain magnetic force on earth and its power is strong enough to  move the needle of a compass. That`s it. The orbits in our solar system – and all the planets in our system are on their steady and regular orbit – are only influenced by the power of gravitation.

    I know that there are lot of rumours about brown dwarfs in the internet scene. Most of them are definitely wrong. The visibility of objects is only influenced by three patterns: size, distance and position. We were able to discover so called brown dwarf stars light years and parsecs away:


    And inside of our inner solar system – within the Kuiper belt - we would definitely not need infrared technology to discover an object between 5 to 75 times the size of Jupiter. It would be highlighted like a xmas-tree on every telescope.


    Yours sincerely or with kind regards



  • I know that Nibiru`s orbit is outside of the Oort cloud. But we are talking about a fictive object which definitely is a Transneptun and has an orbit that could never lead it into the inner solar system. When scientists or astronomers talk about the possibility of such an object they will speak of a project name “Tyche”. They are still analyzing the enormous data input of WISE and perhaps there can be an object like Nibiru/Tyche beyond the Oort cloud. But this is nothing really new, as astronomers were thinking about such an object for decades. Even Dr. Robert Harrington thought that there could be such an object with a surprising big orbit outside of the Oort cloud, an object, that could eventually come within the orbit of Pluto, Sedna or Eris. Of course we do not know everything out there and I guess it will take us thousands of years more to get more knowledge about the things out there. Even the orbit of Sedna, between the Oort cloud and the Kuiper Belt was a surprise.


    But nethertheless we already know a lot and there are some hoaxes that can easily be verified. Besides that I didn’t want to refer to Trojan asteroids which exist within the so called Lagrange-points. Even our earth has a few objects orbiting with it in the same orbit, what makes them nearly impossible to discover. WISE found one recently. I was referring to a potential object between us and the sun in a allegedly halted orbit. Such an object we would definitely see with the naked eye, especially when it is even bigger than the earth. This would be a big party for hobby astronomers and everybody would like to be the first to get famous for discovering it. We would need no NASA or other federal astronomy institution.

    Here you can see a transit of Mercury, a planet which is a little bit bigger than our moon. Thousands of astronomers around the world can discover such a little planet. Some of them have a pretty good equipment and can even watch or count the sunspots and solar flares. Everything what is between us and our sun will be seen. Of course there are also known transits of Venus but these are difficult to watch from earth.



    Here you see another Mercury transit:


    And here we have the Venus transit in 2004:


    This picture also can give you an idea about the real size difference between Venus and the sun. On Soho or Lasco Venus can appear far bigger because we have here a very sensitive scientific camera which can create a lot of effects. These effects show us some things which do not even exist in reality.

    If there really was a Nibiru between the earth and the sun you would see it on Lasco C3 approximately in that size.


    Probably it would even appear bigger and I forgot to add all the allegedly moons. Here we would have pictures like in star wars and that live on Soho and Stereo. Even a trivial comet in the right position between Soho and the sun can look like a monster- planet. In reality we only see a rather small object which appears so big because of its coma. And now imagine how Nibiru would look when it had a very big cloud around him. We would probably see no m

  • @Ronald,

    I hope you do realize that the majority of the information presented there is compiled information that has been floating around for years.....attributing this one person as the sole means of proving the existence of PX is a bit of a stretch.  I am not saying that it does not exist.  I personally believe in PX but I am just pointing out the reality that one man's thorough explanation for what is occurring does not mean that he is correct in everything he is saying.  As I have stated multiple times in the past all of these changes on earth can be cause by magma welling up which is caused by particle flows from the sun...this is provable and supported by multiple sources....these same particle flows can have some pretty amazing effects on the other planets in our solar system...... also as a minor side note .... our suns magnetic field extends well beyond Pluto..... has reversed polarity on a regular basis since we started observing the phenomenon with no effect on our planet so to assume a much smaller celestial body will usurp the force exerted by our sun is a bit of a stretch of the imagination......unless of course it passes relatively near us.....Just a few thoughts towards the counter argument.

  • To All recent commenters,

    May I suggest that everyone please read the 92 page article that is posted at: The article explains how certain things are happening and why. Such as why we can't see Nibiru or ELEnin with the naked eye. Saturn was tilted several weeks ago by 90 degrees by the magnetic field of Nibiru not ELEnin. It's all about magnetic field strength of Nibiru not ELEnin. He talks about ELEnin and the miscalculations by JPL of its' real trajectory. In September, ELE will come within 40k miles of earth not 23 million miles. We will not see ELEnin until it gets closer to earth. ELEnin is a harbinger of things to come, so get prepared spiritually and physically.

  • @Yamkin - Just about all the things described as being caused by PX can easily be attributed to Magma welling up within the earth....all including tectonic plate sorry this post is not proof positive....don't get me wrong I do believe in a rogue planet.

    @Demian - Take a moment to look up the concept of Trojan satalites/astoroids....if an object is between us and the sun it can easily be hidden from our view.  Nibiru is said to orbit outside the oort belt not within it.  We do know of a large object affecting the orbit of pluto and seres.....Is this object clue.  We know nothing and I mean nothing when it comes to solid irrefutable facts pertaining to a rogue planet.  The geological changes occuring on all planets in our solar system hints at something but its still absolutely beyond our means to tie everything together with facts and science....  Earths axis shouldn't be used to support the claim you are making simply because we don't know what the axis was like 3600 years ago.  We have a discernable tilt to our axis and that shifts and bobbles all the time so not really a strong point....  Take a moment to look up how much the magnetic north pole has shifted this year alone....did you feel the one can....

    Just decided to play devils advocate for both sides on this one....just food for thought people.

  • My dear Yamkin,


    if there really was a Nibiru with the size of Jupiter inside of the Oort cloud, scientists and astronomers would have tracked this object for years. And there is not only the NASA out there, there are many other institutions and big telescopes or satellites around the earth. So you can relax cause this version is apparently another internet hoax. I have read so many hoaxes in the last few years that I really can smell them against the wind.


    And now imagine a planet four times the size of Jupiter in the inner solar system. Such an object would have no stable orbit and would have been sorted out millions of years ago. It would play table billard with the other planets and influence/change all the other known orbits. And of course the earth axis is still there it should be. Believe me would have felt such a change. Just have a break and visit some of the pages of hobby astronomers who often work together with professional astronomers. They would see such an object immediately.


    So you can lean back and relax, Yamkin. This story is as crazy as the pathetic idea of Nancy Lieder that a big planet could be hidden between us and the sun. We could see such a planet every day with the naked eye or a  very cheap telescope for beginners. There is no reason to worry about that.

  • Ronald  I share the common dilema with you. We are all looking for the answers to the most important issues of our times and they keep changing.  You may be right watching the elite and I have heard on the net many are doing just that. I do think if the answer is to be found it will show up here soon after it is.
  • I think we are beginning to feel the effects of Nibiru's magnetic field such as weather changes, increased sun spot activity, even people related problems like an increase in pre-mature births of babies and some people just dying for no medical reason. I watch a lot of you-tubes on Nibiru / ELEnin, for some reason some are saying that ELEnin is Nibiru and then the opposite. I am confused as are many of you. So what is the truth, the article that explains where Nibiru is right now with pictures or NASA feeding us B.S. while tracking it via IRAS. So maybe our best clue is to watch what the elite do. When they run for their bunkers then we know what is really happening.
  • Well by that time most likely will not have my home and will have no where to ride out a pole shift.
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