OMG! No wonder they are pushing abortions! They all want parts!!! They are getting sicker and sicker!
The video is a summary of a news cast. The info about Pepsi is about 9:50 0n the video.
OMG! No wonder they are pushing abortions! They all want parts!!! They are getting sicker and sicker!
The video is a summary of a news cast. The info about Pepsi is about 9:50 0n the video.
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WOW Jak, that was strange! It must have been disturbing.I think you are right. It symbolizes all life forms are just that, a life. As precious and as important as a baby. I read somewhere (maybe here) that some life forms know that they are meant to be food, that includes plants. In their dna?
I think every thing on the planet knows it's purpose except for us humans.
I had a strange dream last night. I was at a small lake, or pond, and in the pond were large fish that I wanted to catch.
I had a hook and some line, and I picked up a worm and put it on the hook rather well so that it would not wiggle off, and looking for more bait to atrackt the big fish there was a bird, or chicken (you know how dreams are) not quite dead but I also tied it on to the line running the hook through the skin of the bird/chicken. After comming to the place where I was to throw the line into the pond/Lake I looked at the bait and it was a baby child and the hook was going through his lip/cheek, and I had the baby in my hands and pulled the shirt sleeve it had on over the arm that was naked and could not see using it for bait.
Really strange, I guess you had to be there. That was the end of the dream. Could it be that all life forms are just as important as ours? from a worm to a chicken and to humans.?
Lock me up and throw away the key. It was just a dream, or?
Yah, Alex says that, too. I swear, I saw Soylent Green when it came out, and it freaked me out. They people were vombies with no thought of their own and willingly when to their death because they were told to.
They lived underground and were indoctrinated, brainwashed and probably fed(on top of human meal) /vacinated with something to keep them controllable.
If we are put in FEMA camps, what do you rhink they will feed us????