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  • Well,  it  takes  a lot  of  guts  to  go  against t he  norm  and say  exactly  what  they  see  going on  around  them.  That  said  it  also  takes   being  able to see what is  going  on around  one  to  prepare  for it.  That's  why they  call it  waking  up !  I  am  glad there  are  more and  more  people  opening their  eyes and  coming  forward determined  to  do  what needs to  be  done to protect  themselves and their  loved  ones.  Hopefully  in a  not too  distant   future many  more   will be   ready  and  equipped  to  do the  same.


    One  can  only  hope........

  • I wish more people would think like he does (especially in my own family!!).  People go on as if this world (the way the world is currently with this idiotic money system etc etc) will go on forever. 
  • I  read  that  today  ,  as a  matter of  fact.  I  found  myself  saying  ,  "Good for  you , Ashton."
  • He is no dummy.

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