PX / Nibiru

May i ask a little advise please?

Could someone please help me answer the question thats buzzing around my head. 

Why cannot we see PX in the sky now?

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  • it is normal, Byron, if taken as a lone event, but look at the patterns, France has had a storm, first i have heard of it, Scotland has had a huge storm, New Zealand, the list goes on. John Dinardo makes special notes of the trajectories of the jet stream, how its path fluctuates. now this seems to be generated by electric  currents in the atmosphere, from space, through the ionosphere, so, the question then is what is the source  of this energy, where is it coming from? the sun seems an unlikely candidate unless they are not reporting its full activity. are they censoring data? I suspect they are.

  • Great opinion Keith pretty much true too to be honest lol, how's Mongolia ?
  • I am grateful for all your comments thank you. I noticed on the news today a state of emergency has been declared in the philippines after flash flooding. It seems the weather is getting worse daily but this time of year it could be just normal ? ?
  • what I find hard to fathom out is the following. John Dinardo and others are convinced this brown dwarf is approaching

    now Jim maccney had sources in 2002 that told him it had been spotted and to all intents was imminent. there is this a time gap of nine years . now what has slowed it down? postulating alien intervention us more the stuff of fairy tales, it could be true but is so outlandish we must look further afield fir reasons why thus object has so far not made any noticeable impact upon the earth. and it hasn't . looking at history we see what an impact it has made, which is catastrophic.

    so far it ha hardly touched us. so, I speculate has it gone over the sun and is it on a course way from the earths orbit, say half a solar revolution away from us, so its gravitational effects are mild and basically, is all the speculation a lot of hot air? am I missing something here? it is possible it has reached its aphelion I think is the word  and is now on its orbit out of the solar system

  • After reading the history of the earth one has to realize that something happens in a timed sequence to cause cities to be put under the sea, whale bones on mountain tops and a thousand other similar choatic happenings. Almost every race of man has a story of the passing planet either passed down verbaly or written. We hear from channelings that it is being delayed or moved to protect earth and others do not even mention it. Every 26,000 years we align with the galactic plane and every 3600 years PX passes. Both are happening at the same time now and we will be lucky enough to experience it. The earth changes and weather are really going haywire so something is causing them.  Chemtrails have multiple reasons , First was weather then poisons were added to cull the population now they can hide the sky.  IMO     

  • one thing not mentioned is the chemtrails if the sky is so occluded maybe there is a reason ?  think about it.......

  • Thanks for such a great answer. I am too very open minded but sometimes I need to ask lol
  • I  am firmly on the side of Kim here. open minded to the last. however, the history of thus subject is fraught with intriguing bits of information. along with Keith I have been listening to old Jim Maccaney archives with endless fascination. in the old days of 2002 he was very forthright and stated i all but the clearest terms this planet or comet exists and has been firmly spotted. Now if anyone can be regarded as having scientific credibility it is Jim maccaney in my estimation, though John Dinardo ad Bill deagle come within this as well and a few others I know of.

    so, it may have passed us by on an orbit away from the pat of our planet and may we are simply ploughing through  in its wake, hence the mild earchanges at present  or as Ra says it is extremely hard ti predict its timing.

    now, one question, why the sudden onset if the police state, and the economic collapse? why the preparation by FEMA? why the storage if food, supplies fuel ,body bags etc.?

    one speculation us it as been sported and is heading closer, so the police state is slipping into full gear thus would explain nicely the raft of martial law legislation of late in your country. here we have enough laws to erect a police state over night, believe me they could close us down in hours over here, in the UK. maybe they will.

    so, I suggest watch what happens o the ground and conversely what what happens in the sky. if planet x is real and not some myth, the more the security measure put in place the closer this body will be . the time to watch is if war breaks out and the economy collapses.

  • So why is it not visible to the naked eye by now if you saw it back in 2003 that's almost 9 years ago
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