Here is a Q drop from 2 days ago, on 11th July 2019 confirming that the REAL Q Disclosures consist of mathematically impossible COINCIDENCES, meaning the events they are describing are not COINCIDENCES but clearly PLANNED.
This drop is referring to this 6th July 2019 graphic and even earlier ones than that, ALL found amongst the 6 parts of Once Upon A Q- The Greatest Story Ever Told.
Please remember that Q has confirmed that the drops are layered to form a complete, interconnecting story, thus these mini articles that form part of the WHOLE disclosure need to be read with the understanding that they interconnect with previous parts that, ultimately must be read as a whole for them to fully make sense.
Q's D5 was NOT referring to 5th December BUT the word DEBRIS and the Concorde fuel tank number 5 which is supposed to have been punctured by the 17 inch long piece of DEBRIS according to the FAKE narrative given for the Concorde crash.
Then you have the Malaysian MH 17 attack on the 17th July, a plane full of already DEAD bodies when it came down.
The TWA 800 plane explosion on 17th July 1996 leaving 230 people murdered.
Murdered Hitchikers bodies found on a 17th. AND Morocco's last 2011 bombing in Marrakesh is reported as killing 17.
Farmer losing £17,000 of stock when his sheep were lasered.
Holly & Jessica's bodies found on a 17th.
Sarah Payne body found on a 17th.
Missing 17 year old Latvian girl Alisa Dmitrijeva found dead and severely mutilated on UK Queen's PRIVATE Sandringham Estate, to which the public have ZERO ACCESS to.
Prince Andrew -the Queen's son- photographed with a 17 year old Virginia Guiffre who has accused him of being forced to have sex with him on Epstein's Island, in Florida and in the UK.
The notorious Bridgend suicides of multiple youngsters where V2K (Voice To Skull) technology was used.
Strange waves that pulsed every 17 seconds.
My Uncle's murder. Again look at the first graphic and it says johnjam in the blue sentence meaning John my Uncle, and the 2 James Bulger stories.
And my Dad's murder was reported as occuring at 17:20 French time which is the masonic 4.20pm (42) UK time.
NOTE that ALL these EVENTS are Worldwide with the same, repeating signatures and numbers, including the RUSSIAN submarine disaster that killed 118.
NOTE the drop at the top of this page with the number 3414 is a combination of the following staff numbers, and the WHEELS UP is about the classified STARGATEs:
And the 2 James Bulger stories, one from the USA and one from the UK.
Its called living in the global MATRIX controlled by the Deep State who operate in EVERY country under the guise of Freemasonry, Archons, Set-different words for the same thing-an Egyptian themed SATANIC CULT.