ROGUE PLANETS Do they exist? NASA says yes!


While it would seem that many Nibiru naysayers can show a lack of proof? Where is it? we should be able to see it so its not there! The recent proof is that there are likely more Rogue planets in the galaxy than there are Stars. While this post is just to show to those who dont know that Rogue planets exist. It also lends much possibility that Nibiru or PlanetX or Wormwood, Can exist and there are many other evidences down thru history for those who take the time to study! While i dont believe NL thats its next to the Sun? I do believe the possibility of a large planetary or a very small brown dwarf being inbound in a cyclical highly elliptical orbit. Now while we dont have to worry the vast majority of Rogue Planets or Brown Dwarfs of the Galaxy, causing us any harm. I am only concerned with one, that much evidence from the past has shown to have visited our planet before? No, its not going to hit us! It doesnt have to come any closer than 30 million miles away to cause great destruction on the Earth. Even at the orbit of jupiter it could cause earthquakes and very bad weather patterns if it was as highly Magnetic as is supposed? Im interested in all of your input, so tell me what you think?

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