Something fantastic is happening right now.
Everything you thought was real is shifting, evolving, changing. We are protecting you in new ways. The first step has been to send higher dimensional beings to Earth as walk-ins to lift the vibration of all Cabal members. You are going to see the Dark Hats suddenly changing their tune, and they will be as surprised by it as you will be.
Think of it! It is a wonderful plan, a reverse play on what the Reptilians did for generations on Earth, subduing and sickening the brightest Lightworkers by inhabiting their bodies. We are doing the same, with the goal of en-lightening the darkest of those who were brainwashed and controlled by the dark thought-forms which linger from the thousands of years of mind control. All this will be defeated by the presence of the Light beings who are joining us this very day. The evidence will reveal itself as the days pass.
A new era of reconciliation and joyful cooperation has already begun. You have seen the trading partnership which Russia and China have newly established. This has been presented in the U.S (by the cabal media, of course) as a threat and a disaster. It is not true. Although the petrodollar will lose its grip on world trade, and the U.S. dollar will indeed drop in value, it will create a new freedom from the Cabal control of the financial markets and world trade. This is a good thing, and will unfold to allow great freedom of movement and trade throughout the world.
It truly is a time of reconciliation and movement toward new systems, new methods, new ways. Humankind is very flexible, capable of changing direction quickly. You can look back at old movies and be amazed at the level of dichotomy you can feel, between men and women, black and white, socially powerful and powerless. Look how quickly things have changed in the last 60 years. It will change now at warp speed compared to what you have seen before.
You will notice how quickly the incidences of unrest and violence disappear, and how quickly everyone is able to shift their consciousness into higher level thinking, acclimating to the new atmosphere of harmony, trust and cooperation.
Yes, many of you have been compromised at times by interference from the Dark Ones. They can be destructive, obstructionist, and sometimes dangerous. It is their purpose to defeat you, our beloved Lightworkers, because their purpose is to defeat God. As you know, that is not just an impossible pipedream. It is just plain silly. Nothing can win over the power of Light. The entire Universe is designed, by architecture and intent, to preserve and increase Light.
It is as silly to always bet against "the House" in this card game as it would be in Reno. The Dark Ones have tried over the ages to infiltrate, to co-opt our members through abduction, implantation or physical illness. They have discovered over and over (but never believed the obvious) that you can torture, maim and kill, but you cannot do away with a soul - especially one that has lived many eons in service to God. The soul may be seemingly subdued for a time as it works to heal and sustain the body, but the soul itself goes on. So, you see, no matter how difficult the life, no matter how troublesome the conditions, the soul cannot be defeated.
You, Beloved Ones, are now on the forefront of creating the New Golden Age. You are establishing the feeling tone, the social conditions, even the beginnings of the new governance. As you go through your days, interacting with one another, you are laying the groundwork for what is to come for others. You understand deeply how to preserve your own peace of mind and the peace of others. You are working out ways to understand and express the meaning of freedom, justice, and equality.
We are constantly impressed and gratified to see the creativity with which you carve out new pathways. You are original and unique, and you hew to the path of Oneness at the same time. This is new ground for all of you - something you harbored in your heart, tried to shape into reality in your minds, but there was no template, no present day experience to rely upon, and yet you feel your way with confidence and joy. It is wonderful to behold the way you nudge and comfort each other simultaneously. You have become such Masters of communication, even with the limits of your language and your electronic aids.
Continue, dear brothers and sisters. Keep going. You are forging new pathways, as you celebrate your newfound closeness and Love. You are not afraid to express that love, regardless of the circumstances. Strangers, partners, new friends or old companions, you build the bridge of affection and understanding. We admire your courage and your light-heartedness. This combination of simply forging ahead regardless of the challenges, regardless of the requirements being new and unfamiliar, and your joy at the prospect of creating anew is a precious human quality.
This quality alone - the ability to be explorers, adventurers and leaders while maintaining your heart deep and abiding connections - is the essence of why humankind was created to be the leaders of the New Golden Age.
You have "cut your teeth" on millions of years of unending challenges, and here you are, seasoned warriors of the Light, bearers of the flag of God under which we all sail. We celebrate now, throughout the Cosmos, for it is truly a new day. All is evolving, changing daily on the surface of Mother Terra. Soon the waves of change will be acknowledged across the land. You can feel it creeping day by day toward real change, real recognition that things have indeed changed!
When the law enforcement people begin to realize that they have little to do but rescue kittens and lost children, record fender-benders, and help old people carry their parcels; when teachers begin to see their children for the angels they really are; when the soldiers all come home to the loving embrace of their families, it will then dawn on everyone that the world is no longer what they thought it was. It is coming, Beloved Ones, it is here.
Your blessings will be bestowed upon you with great joy, and when you receive the economic blessings, it will be without worry for its being stolen or taxed or in any way interfered with. You will find newfound freedom with these gifts, since many of the terrible traumas you have suffered will be easily resolved when you have the means to take the needed action. Now, let me explain how we envision this transition.
You live still within the conditions which were created by the Cabal, where everything depends upon money, because money represented power. You, my dear friends, are the new power because you are going to be wealthy. You will have the means to pay for the help you need legally, for instance, to overturn the travesties of justice which have imprisoned political prisoners and innocent bystanders, because it has been obvious to all that money can buy you freedom. So, buy your freedom, in any form you see fit, and do the same for your loved ones and fellow humans.
This will be the transition time, when all the rules which were established by the Cabal will be used to overturn the very rules which enslaved you. You will be the ones who "beat them at their own game," so to speak. Yes, it sounds a bit conniving, doesn't it? You must learn to recalibrate your thinking. The rules of the game which the Dark Ones established are not sacred, neither are you like them if you play within the framework of their established practices for the time being. It is simply a necessary part of the shift, that those who see the corruption and greed should defeat it by coming out on top, thereby changing the game.
Many of you developed the mentality that you must remain outside the system, suffering terribly in the process, in order to remain "pure." It served a purpose; you kept the fire alive by refusing to be co-opted by the system. We admire those courageous ones who have offered themselves to be arrested, to even be imprisoned for a principle. It was a necessary step in keeping the hope alive, but it will no longer be necessary to pay with your lives to preserve freedom.
We have given you the means to create a bridge to a new life. Money in the hands of Lightworkers in great numbers is a completely new phenomenon. Do not underestimate the power you will have when you organize now. Your political system in the United States has been completely overtaken by the back-room money handlers who simply elect the people who are most willing to be bought and who will cooperate in their schemes to gain power on all fronts. The protective screen of corporations and banks, and the power to write laws to protect themselves is the system they have used to rake in billions of dollars and use it to promote their own agenda.
It is not a complicated system, really. They have designed complex systems of book-keeping and subterfuge to hide their actions, but the whole matrix was built on the simple idea that once money could be used to regulate every area of life - food, shelter, transportation, energy, medical care, education, entertainment, and everything else you can name in your "civilized world," the game was fixed. Now it will be your work to unfix the game, dismantle their power, and gain freedom for all humankind.
Your first act of storming the Citadel will be to either buy out or turn your backs on every form of graft, inequality, extortion or blackmail-backed system in existence. If you don't like the educational system in your town, create a new one. If the police force is brutal and arrogant, stop the flow of money to it and create your own neighborhood crew to help and assist rather than "police" your streets. This will now be possible because of the dismantling of all weaponry. The dangers you have faced in the past will no longer exist.
The possibilities are unlimited. If you don't like the government, form a new one, along with the intelligent and dedicated souls who have already began to form your new Constitution-based governments. When money is no object, and no one can buy out your dream from under your noses, the resistance will drop away.
There is yet more good news. As this message is being written, a new world is beginning. The energy grid around the planet that supported and protected the Forces of Darkness has been dissolved. No soulless or heartless being will be allowed to continue in their devious work. All will now be given "walk-in" souls to lift and humanize them. No more will assassins and ruthless abusers be allowed to exist, walking freely among you. All will be reconfigured, because humankind has now reconfigured the rules by which life on Earth will be governed.
I send you my blessings and my endless Love, Dear Ones. You are heroes, all, and now you will be free to act on your Love, your inspiration, and your feelings of Oneness. It is truly a new day, and we are here weeping tears of joy for your triumphs.
I am your Sananda, your brother, in Love and Light.
Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, May 26, 2014, 10 PM, New York
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