For all my dear friends:
We need self-control and wisdom, not panic!
This morning, during my walk with Peppy (my dog), I stopped to talk to a person and he told me, that the last time he was as afraid, as he is now, was at the time of the nuclear disaster of Chernobyl in 1986. So, dear hearts, we can imagine, the fear that this individual is carrying within him! And in this way, we can imagine the amount of fear that is being radiated by most human beings and the weight of that in the planet's atmosphere.
Yesterday, a friend from Switzerland told me through WhatsApp that it's being very difficult to stay calm, that she and her husband don't know what to do at the moment! Nothing unusual, dear ones, as most people don't know what to do at the moment. The virus gave a big surprise to the world! Just like a test catches us here and there, also by surprise! Isn't that so, dear friends? Or is anyone here notified in advance of the time of your tests? If life does not warn us individually when we will face a certain challenge, why would it warn humanity, which is nothing more than a collective entity formed by all of us?
We are in a collective initiation of the race. And every initiation comes to challenge values and stimulate the internal growth. The Corona virus does that! It entered the soul of the world and have created there, a buzzing energy, which is affecting the entire structure of the human being and the result is: values and attitudes are being rethought worldwide!
Right now, it is not only important what someone learns, but what humanity learns. The requirement now is a collective understanding of a situation and the solidarity of all human beings in solving a global issue, so that the collective amount of light emitted by the race expands, that is, the human being becomes more mature internally.
However, as in all crises, as Saint Germain told me, more qualified people need to maintain self-control and radiate peace, light, comfort, hope and understanding to everyone in their world of influence. And this is exactly how all of us, students of the Ascended Masters, need to act. We need to maintain our internal balance and try to calm the people around us, and not panic.
People are being forced to stop the extreme external movement and this is a shock to the external self, of those who are not used to staying in their homes, quiet, only with themselves. And maybe, just my personal view, this is the point of the collective lesson to be learned at the moment! And what we can do, dear friends, is to remain calm and in a good mood and say to people: “It's okay, my friend! A little less entertainment and outside activities can be very positive in reducing the spread of the virus and it is also good for us to learn to listen to our Internal Presence and thus grow and become stronger human beings! Let's be at peace, that in peace, everything will adjust for the better!”
Dear friends, this initiation will probably last for a few more months, until there is the necessary collective maturation. Until then, we need self-control, peace and always act wisely. Remember that it is not in happy moments that we are tested on our values, but when the world seems to collapse in front of us. Keep Calm! Command the I AM Presence within you and within each human being to govern this condition and trust! Trust fully that this wonderful Presence, in its limitless power and wisdom, will direct us to the best!
Sending you Ascended Master’s Peace, Mastery and Self Control,
Morgan Le Fay