Beloved Jesus talking about “Ascended Master Feeling”:
It is much more important than you intellectually understand this moment. If you will charge everything in your feeling and world with your “Mighty I AM Presence” first, always, and then the Ascended Masters’ All-illumining Feeling of the complete Control of manifestation in the physical octave, just as certainly as you ask to be filled with that will We fill you with It. If you ask to be enfolded in It, Our Miracle Mantle of that Flame and Substance can be sent to you on an instant. When you sometimes are in very grave danger, just the moment your thought comes to Us, that Light comes back instantly, faster than you can think. I think that is a Help that Love can give that is Invincible and must be drawn into the physical octave for the Perfection of everything that is constructive in anybody.
So if We may have your acceptance of this and your understanding of It, and if you will, in every problem you have to handle, if you will still yourselves first and ask your “Presence” and Us to fill you with the Ascended Masters’ Feeling about the problem. Our Feeling about the problem is the dissolving and consuming of everything that is discordant within it, and It is the Master Control of manifestation. It is the Invincible Perfection of Life, and We give It to you as free as the air you breathe. And this is part of the Ascension Flame for which you have decreed tonight.
SGP#17 – I AM Discourses, XX, p. 323
Saint Germain Press