Armed Troops to Search Public During London Olympics Amid Increased Fears Over Terror Attack
The Intel Hub
January 9, 2011
A view of the inside of the London Olympics Stadium complete with Illuminati Symbolism – Wikicommons Image
Armed military personal will be searching the public during the London Olympics amid growing fears of a possible terror attack during the games.
While the Olympics are obviously not taking place in America, the use of armed military to police the public during the games is a stark reminder of the full scale police state that the globalist banksters have constructed throughout the world.
A recent article in the Guardian outlined the “terror fears”:
Dummy runs by London 2012 security staff have achieved a 90 per cent success rate in foiling attempts to smuggle devices into the site in Stratford, where the centrepiece Olympic stadium, velodrome and pool are based – meaning at least one attempt succeeded.
The disclosure underlines growing concerns over security at the games. Such is the level of threat that all of the Army’s explosive search dogs are likely to be recalled from duty in Afghanistan to boost the security operation.
One security official said: “The issue of explosive search dogs is crucial – they are the tools that will find the bombs, but we don’t have enough of them. We have around 30 and they can only work for 30 to 40 minutes before they get distracted or bored. From what I understand there will be virtually none left in Afghanistan – they will all be here.”
At the same time troops are to be used to search members of the public entering the Olympic and Paralympic site.
The current fear mongering taking place throughout Europe over a possible terror attack at the London Olympics is even more startling when you consider the recent article published on The Intel Hub that covered the fact that some believe there may be a nuclear false flag at the Olympics.
You can watch the full video here.
The research carried out by Rik Clay suggested that there was something special about the London Olympics and after reading Clay’s research, I realised that it was possible that the ‘illuminati’ might use the London Olympics to carry out a false flag attack.
So I did internet searches on the London Olympics and terrorism and found that the BBC had broadcasted a programme envisaging a nuclear attack at the London Olympics and that a reasonably well-known author had also written a short story for the Daily Mail, which also envisaged a nuclear attack at the London Olympics.
Given that before 9 / 11 and 7 / 7, those events were referenced beforehand in various media, it was reasonable to argue that two forms of media, both envisaging a nuclear attack on the London Olympics, could be another example of the ‘illuminati’ once again foretelling an event, before it actually happens.
While this possibility is obviously a conspiracy theory at this point, it does seem worth looking into considering the fact that al Qaeda was funded and created by western intelligence and the idea that they could actually carry out a massive attack on the heavily secured London Olympics is absolutely insane.
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they have had a practice run of smuggling a bomb int the stadium. talk about put in the open. it is so ridiculous it makes absurd sound like rational. they say they are planning against terrorists, well, look who bombed Libya into the dark ages and look who is destabilizing Syria. hypocrisy to the point of insanity.
My guess is they will plant a fake bomb early and put it up as a warning for more.Then the soldiers come in early to save you.
this is the very point. things are happening fast. they need to get the control mechanisms in place before the big show starts. have you seen the big 7.3 temblor, just now? near Sumatra, I believe the earth changes are real and suspect there is something in th planet x scenario, something is not right. Have you seen the discrepancy between th USGS earthquakes and those on the RSOE website? there are a whole bunch in Europe simply not reported by USGS they are covering it is not about being slaves, it is about control.
Macaey thinks something is approaching from the South, juts as John Dinarod does. teve qyae calls it gabries fist, a ter used by NASA ans tg penragon. onc events gte bad, really bad, we will see tow things happen. at leas we will se politicisn making for the DUMB's, and thise who have th golden tickets, we will see the imposing kf th total police state, thne we will see a war a huge wra brela out. theye are building military hosptlc in Georga, in th crimaea according to one report. it is getting bad. thye need a war as the ladt great distarction, there coukd be other word, incvolvemt here, nikt sure. but thye need th security t stop a rampaging public, whe servces start ti gk doen, think about it. I have my watr filter, will buy pn emore in summer I hope I have my water butts. if the refireris go down and the grid, one vamt imagine. thyened th security, badly a few bombs placed by rogue MI6 or CIA ofivrers, here and there, tk prove a point. f thye are gearing up for a state kf siege at the Olympics, all thye ned is an excuse.
They are just getting you used to being slaves, but there are many signs their plans are failing,people are wakeing up real fast.
excellent excuse, all nicely planned, maybe the jolly red giant near mars orbit, is a bit too close fr comfort. maybe they see fit to bring a bit more control before all hell and beyond breaks loose. have you seen all the volcanoes going off? the earthquakes are a bit quite but the magma seems t be heating up and rising. Juts been listening ti Steve Quayle, whilst I frown on all his religiosity and such he has his head screwed on, and seems to have solid evidence this planet x is heading our way. it all has to be made a part of the big picture.
I d believe, if troops are regularly patrolling our shopping malls, and are seen in the open in British towns then the genie is well and truly our ft he bag. as I said a week or so back, the Olympics are being used as a dry run. lets see if I'm right. I still keep an open mind, Byron, in all things though.....
What a good excuse to lock you down.