I am hoping to tie some things together here, r at least bring some points into the open a best I can though knowing where to start and what to include is rather hard to do.
Last night , at six pm, here in the UK , I listened to Drake, and he was in fine spsirits, though the issues were centered on gun control, which I have some understanding of. As a person , and oe who has listened exclusively to American talk radio, I fully understand the issues of owning guns and now am a convert to this, though it has issues I am still uncomfortable with. it js a cultural thing in my view. he did say something may be happening, Monday which is today so keep informed, and he would have something new for his Wednesday show, he hoped. also the show was very heavily tampered with no doubt by a lettered agency. ......they don't want this to come out.....
now, two days previous I listened to a group talking about imminent ET disclosure with respect to the Olympics, I have posted links to this elsewhere. the lady who is a pleideian walk in , says she was there at a meeting with the British Queen, and members f the elite where other ET's were present. and the elite were being given an ultimatum to act or the ET would react.
now, coming back to Dake, again he was questioned on the ET's and with respect to the Olympics. he was a bit shall we say, side stepping in a jokey way, which implies he is aware of things behind the scenes. and he later mentioned we are heading for the transition and the sun will be a prominent actor in this drama and the activity on the sun will provide the catalyst for the transition to occur.
in earlier shows he has said, easy week i believe, that March 2013 will be a deadline when things will start to happen. so, the threads are beginning to weave together. now cobra was mentioned something, with regard to the Olympic and it transpired he is writing a new blog post precisely on thus subject of the ET's and the Olympics.
Now, coming to the opening ceremony, from what I have seen in photos, it looked not only sick but completely absurd, to have scores of nurses pushing beds with i believe, children? in them around the stadium, and with some ugly monster leering over them, only in Britain could this ridiculous spectacle take place. no wonder there are so many empty sets. the word satanic comes to mind here, I don't think enough analyses has been done on this yet. maybe in the closing ceremony they will have human sacrifice , or some take on Bohemian Grove, who says we are not being manipulated?
Now, we have the two dates given tk Mike Harris, August 17 and September 26. thus may or may no be disinfo, but we also have the date August 4th to consider. dates are being given, we are assured the ET;s are getting impatient, and if the final deadline is nit adhered to, then Creator will give our brother and sisters up above carte blanch to deal with the rogue elements on the planet , if only for one reason , we are entering the dark rift and ascension is going ahead and no one can stop it. so, the cabal needed be taken car of in order tk give the rest jf us a clear in in the days ahead.
so, some threads and hopefully some tieing together of them.
as for my own views, I am just an observer, but suggest there is a deep and great underlying reality behind all I have said above.
what is so odd, no one to my knowledge has ever given any reason for believing this, so far as I can see, big O is about as dark as the bushes or kissinger, so far....unless he is acting behind the scenes to thwart the cabal, lets say by subterfuge????? it has been suggested. I am still waiting for Tolec, Salusa says 4th August will be when time has run out, it must happen soon. only five months now to the fateful date......hope the old bunker is up and running, Keith???
I am utterly, utterly mystified why they should think the big O is of the Light? to me it is ludicrous though I do see how it could be possible. Still, I like listening to all this but have to use my filter when they start talking what seems nonsense. so far no one has made any attempt to justify this point of view, I am perplexed.
If big O is a star seed, he has taken the wrong turn, unless they have him brainwashed, MKutra maybe?
well, the way I see it Keith, is this. the timelines are converging, we are getting ever further into the dark rift, the energies are intensifying, . now it would be easy for the ET's to exert all their authority, but t would be an usurpation of freewill. and nothing is set in stone. so, whilst things are moving ahead, they have given the cabal, all the freedom of choice they can.
And maybe the ET's can see the inevitable that the cabal will obfuscate all they can right to the end, maybe this what obvious from the outset. the important thing they made the choice. it has to be that, a choice. and maybe it is to see, how many of them would jump ship. before the ET;s take matters into their own hands, which may be about to happen.
I would imagine it was planned from the outset, the question maybe was how far the ET;s would have to go. and when. i agree entirely, and completely with your last sentence, the ET's simply have no more time left. if that is the case I would say to them
Go get em!!!
or as Drake would say
Get 'er Done!!!!
but the whole point, Keith is the cabal have not met the deadlines which is s why the ET's are getting impatient. this is the gist if what most are beginning t say, time is simply running out. it is quite possible, whilst negotiations have taken place the big O and his cohorts have been bust building the police state apparatus, one hand doing one thing, whilst th other does something completely different. as though the day of reckoning will never come. now it may be upon them...
Build your defenses whilst you negotiate with the enemy, sort of thing, though I do not regard the ET;s as our enemy, I use a metaphor only.
the whole thesis being made, is deadlines have been given and subsequently broken and we are nearing a time now when direct intervention will be made. that the ET's are getting impatient. I hope they break into the airwaves and make a statement that cannot be refuted, the Olympics are an ideal venue also, for some disclosure. Drake says we are nearing a deadline and talks about transition...funny why this is talked about by so many people, is there some conspiracy going on LOLLOL
I am not too strong on cop circle interpretation but firmly believe the ET's use them to communicate with us. what I would expect now, Lothar, is to see some with deadlines written into them like this one you show. Saturday happens to be the 4th August which is doing the rounds.....
look for Cobras new posting, it should cover these issues, also, watch out for Drake , Wednesdays show. he made a point, something may happen today, so look at the headlines.