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  • Walk&Reflect - maybe it was filmed in the same studio?

    I don't know the authenticity of these videos but they can create some interesting discussion and maybe open up other thought processes.

    Kim, not sure if that's the case - obviously a lot unknown - if true at all!

  • did they get these clips from that Sandra Bullock movie?

  • So according to that video, not all of the exploded Columbia re-entered the atmosphere?

  • Just another part of history that has the truth hidden - IMO!

  • If I remember right, they were having problems with the laboratory overheating in the cargo bay. I also thought it was odd because this seemed like an unusual crew. When Challenger exploded, there was a school teacher aboard. Columbia exploded with an International crew. NASA knew about the ice forming in the foam insulation for some time. Originally, in the early 80's they used R12 or a refrigerant in the foam, which prevented as much chipping. But the new environmental regulations on refrigerant changed that. I guess getting a waiver on the regulations was too much trouble, and 7 people lost their lives.

  • Another point to consider regarding the video's authenticity is that I think the space station is internationally "manned". If so and if there was a Russian on board at the time this event happened then surely they would have said something - they seem to be more open to expose such things - unless, of course, they were somehow involved???

    Keith, a false flag event is also a possibility.

    In time, this will all be exposed!

  • Someone brought it down.

  • Keith, the following article may help - where it states:

    "The photos of the debris field are apparently supposed to have been taken from the space station itself, though that was never stated."

    Not sure if this is possible - just posting for discussion.

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