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Planetary Science: "What are geomagnetic reversals and why they happen?".

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Much is talking about shifts in the Earth's geomagnetic axis. The cyclical effects of geomagnetic reversals are related to ice ages and global climate changes occurred in the past. Hence we speak of paleoclimate. Do not forget that we are not isolated from the cosmic context around us as if the Earth were completely isolated from events taking place in the solar system, and it remained static in their positions throughout the ages.

Retrieving records from the scientific periodicals planetary sciences, we can go back to the period 1999-2000, in which these issues were clearly analyzed and investigated fairly smoothly.

Then we will discuss a debate which opened in one of the broadcast networks in open scientific oldest Internet: MadSci Network. 

In January 2000, the then young graduate student in planetary science  John W. Weiss,  attended and answered queries from other students and teachers in an innovative way in which continuous learning and other learning about sharing answers and questions in different fields of scientific knowledge.

The question that was posed was:  Do we know why the magnetic poles change ? (Do we know why they change the magnetic poles?).

Weiss's answer is very revealing, as the hypothesis formulated at that time when I answered with undeniable humility to the question:

Citing Weiss:

that's a wonderful question, and I regret to say we do not have a perfect answer yet (Perhaps it's a good thing: life would be boring if we all Knew the answers already!).

The Earth's magnetic field looks like a bar magnet's field. Unfortunately, while the Same They look, They Are Different totally in origin. Our magnetic field is much more like an electromagnet than a bar magnet.

And indeed the Earth's magnetic field is a complex electro-magnet which is depending on all the endogenous variables (core and layers) and exogenous (ionosphere, magnetosphere and interaction with other cosmic events outdoors).

Following the hypothesis of Weiss, again we quote verbatim:

Then you think about it, there is not This Means Any reason why the really good magnetic field Earth's Should Be constant. It's easy to Imagine That the fluid currents in the Earth might change in time. It's easy Especially When You Understand That electrical currents are Also Forced to change direction by magnetic fields, events Themselves They create ones. So a small irregularity in the motion in the Earth's core Could Easily feed back on Itself, build up, and move Eventually the Earth's field, Causing it to reverse or events disappear.

And indeed, we know that Earth's past cycles and has experienced continuous geomagnetic reversals diverse as already discussed in previous articles. To cite recent references in STV29022012  we discussed the issue in relation to climate change and specifically glaciations.

If you remember one of the studies cited in STV29022012  climate cycles were associated with the Earth's orbital anomalies in a historical succession of eccentric orbits and geomagnetic reversals that coincide with periods of recent ice ages and differences in the duration of the solstices and equinoxes.

As you can see the obliquity of the Earth's axis has changed continuously at least since I last 500,000 years on record, ranging between 22 º of tilt and 25 ° tilt. The combined effect of the geomagnetic reversal with the eccentricity of the orbit suggests a logical correlation that affects not only the climate but also in shaping the earth's crust and volcanic and seismic activity, as we know. View  Chivelet Martin, J. 2003. Global change during the Holocene: Recent developments in the Earth System. In: Nieto, L. and Castro, JM (eds.), Fourth Conference on Environmental Geology: Recent changes in the Earth System, University of Jaén.

It was not until June 2007, that under the IAGA (International Association of Geomagnetism IAGA Aeronomy AND) is addressing these issues called: Magnetic Anomaly  Map ASV039, exposed by the hand of Dr. Frank Stefani    

The Symposium dealt precisely geomagnetic changes of the Earth, had the presence of renowned experts from around the globe, and in particular:

Paola Rizzoli Chairperson. President of the Scientific Program Committee Use.
Uri Shamir. President of International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, IUGG Israel
Jo Ann Joselyn. Secretary General of International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, IUGG Use
Carl Christian. Tscherning Secretary-General IAG International Association of Geodesy Denmark
Bengt Hultqvist. Secretary-General IAGA International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy Sweden
Pierre Hubert. Secretary-General IAHS International Association of Hydrological Sciences France
Roland List Secretary General IAMAS-International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences Canada
Fred E. Camfield Secretary-General IAPSO International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans Use
Peter Suhadolc Secretary-General IASPEI International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior Italy
Steve McNutt Secretary-General IAVCEI International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior Us

In this symposium, addressed all the issues related to geomagnetic changes of the Earth in its relationship with the cosmos, the historical series and the internal composition, and document that links can be studied and read here the main lines of exposure each one of the investigators.

Featuring: "Zonal westward movement of short-term Variations of the Observed geomagnetic field. Consequences for core surface morphology fluid flow. " Paper presented by Dr. Crisan Demetrescu the Geodynamics Institute of Natural Fields, Bucharest, Romania IASPEI.

In the abstract of his presentation that we quote verbatim, we read:

Variations of the geomagnetic field at interdecadal and centennial time-scales, of internal origin, are
isolated and Their Characteristics are discussed. Of special interest is a 22-year variation, HAVING
amplitudes of 20-100 nT and showing Systematic Differences Between phase observatories, Which is
significant in terms of secular variation at local and regional scale and in terms of ingredients of
geomagnetic jerks. The time-space evolution of the radial component of the ~ 22-year variation, as
from time-longitude Appears diagrams in the time interval 1880-1990, a westward zonal Indicates
movement of maxima and minima STI, Which can be interpreted in terms of zonal motion of the
nonaxisymmetric magnetic field at low latitudes at the core surface, Either as vortices on top of a
westward equatorial jet of core fluid or propagation of hydromagnetic waves as with components
triggered by a direct action of solar activity on the geodynamo.

These phases are of special interest because they provide a basis for the observation of geomagnetic reversals anomaly.

Analysis of the equinoxes and solstices, will help us understand geomagnetic and cosmic cycles and their causal relationship.

Draw your own conclusions.

International StarViewerTeam 2012.

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  • National Guard Ammo ... standard M-16 .... yes on your other  points as well

  • To both of you, I agree have you noticed th nict website has beene down for some days now since the eighth  I believe thereabouts. Anne Morriosn says the magnetosphere reversed itself during the lst CME, Tammy is correct, this whole martial law thing is because they know something rather big, is coming, big in all senses. I still wonder what is causing the farside CME. as for the power elite, it looks like they are starting emergency preparations and soon the removal men will be here, and maybe the house will be empty, and only we occupants left on the surface.

    I saw an article that said the Feds are buying up all 5.3 and maybe 4. something calibre ammunition and trying to stop dealers selling it to the public. . is it we who are said t be in fear-- not this forum that is-but the masses or is it the power elite who have knowledge?

  • I believe it has been underway for a while now.  With shifting and weird weather patterns and increased seismic activity it is now increasing at an alarming rate.  I do believe the world's leaders are ware of this and are making preparations for it.  The preparations are a mix of the natural events to come shortly and man made events already in play.

  • It would appear that a Magnetic Pole Shift/Pole Reversal is starting/underway.   This may or may not be connected with the approach of Nibiru ... or to President Obama's recent EO

  • as a point of interest, can you tell us what your own conclusion are?

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