Sun Movement?

Of course its the earth that is moving, just the same has anyone kept track of the Suns movement in the last few days? Im sitting in the same chair and looking out my door on my right hand i should see the sun setting. But know i see it setting almost straight out in front of me in my window. As though i may have misplaced a month? By my consideration the Sun has moved almost 10 degrees in a week? A little too much dont you think? I tend to go by gut instinct and intuition so if any of you have a more scientific method please check this out for me. Perhaps im a little too sensitive but with all the magnetosphere activity lately i fell we are in for a big change?

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  • I did use stellarium and watched the moons movements till dec 21 2014, and so i see it moves alot south or north at which time in the months that it does. But i have seen it move alot out of sequence also? Just the same the planetary conjunctions around dec 21st on this year and till 2014 seem somewhat that they have an ability to cause a few problems as well all by themselves. But stellarium is so amatuerish and can be programmed by TPTB to show us whatever they would like? Im open minded so i consider all possiblitys till proved wrong.

  • The moon is setting 30 degrees south of where it set about a week and a half ago? when it was due west. So why would the moon continue to move all over the place in such short time? Any answers Lothar.

  • Thanks much Lothar! It is by all of us getting involved in all these discussions that we may compare ideas and possibly find the truth! I would hope that more people would get involved all the time? My instincts tell me what your compass cannot, i have seen it move! I have seen the moon move and others i know have seen it as well. I did not peopose a question? I stated a fact and we will see the moon move very greatly again very soon! I look to more learned people as yourself sometimes in all these matters, and rightly so! But not even you can tell me what my own eyes have seen, i have been paying very close attention!

  • You see even though Nancys ning awakens a few, most of them were most likely already awakened. And with her totalitarian mindset and rules there is no room for questions or mistakes! We are not so and we attempt to help awaken all who can be, Whomsoever will. Freedom of thought is a very great thing,as it is the same way a child leans to grow. Sometimes by mistakes but always with much Love, For without Much Love you have nothing, so we give everything to all as if they were our children. And it is possible that some are?

  • Because you know is proof you are a Star Seed! The masses dont know anything, they are almost oblivious. I watch them everyday in stores, on the internet, worrying about polotics and argueing like mad about them? They think one or the other candidates of the dark cabal are going to save them? Nothing can be farther from the truth. But you already know this? I have spoken to 1000's of people and even the most learned of them are in doubt. They keep trying to explain that the issues are not so? But when i show them the moon has moved over 25 degrees in just two days they are dumbfounded as they see it! It piqued their curiousity and they want to know more,Most people dont see the real news, they dont see the earthquakes and volcanoes, they only see the strange weather if it affects them or someone they know. They are Spiritually out of the loop. I call them sheeple and was reprimanded for doing so. rightly so as they are our brothers and sisters! Still most people, meaning almost all of them dont have a clue! this is why the darkness has control over them Psychologically, they are just young Souls. And it our job to awaken them whatever age they may be! Be the man, play the man and do the job! And ladies this applys to you as well.

  • All of the evidence has been before our eyes for some time. Evidence of what though is up for discussion? As we dont have any scientific complement to this issue. I dont need a scientist to tell me what my Soul knows is true! And neither do you, this is one of those times you need to trust your gut instinct on these matters. History has shown us what we already know, we dont need to learn these lessons again. But for those of you who know, it was not for you? It is for those just awakening Souls who have never seen it before. We are just here to help them thru these troubled times And after having done so we have done our part! Trust your hearts as they will show you the way. This has happened for close to a million years to quadrillion of Souls as it was their awakening. Spend your energys helping them, the world is so full of just awakeneing Souls. Thats why our contract is to do so, we agreed to help awaken them. We are all Star Seeds!

  • strange


  • My spelling is ok its my typing that sucks. Yetis dont type well!

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