The Seven Sacred Weeks
Morgan Le Fay
My beloved ones, no habit can be changed without conscious effort! If you wish to express the fullness of your Inner Christ, then you must hold your attention to it until it rises like a sun over the horizon of your outer consciousness! While you have your attention on us, we lift you up with our words, with our love and radiance, but like the crowd that followed me two thousand years ago, if when you return to your daily activities you forget us, then the pressure of the world and your own negative accumulations, hypnotize you again and you quickly return to your negative habits and feelings. […]
I would like to propose a challenge to you to remain focused, during the next 365 days, on the Christ Presence in your hearts and in us of the Ascended Host, saying “no” to everything that is discordant in the outer world. And if you are firm in this purpose, then you will see the wonderful transformation that will operate in your lives!
Repeat during this new year, with your attention turned to the Christ within your hearts: “I AM the Victory of my Ascension! I AM the Invincible Power of the Resurrection Flame operating in all that I am!” This Resurrection Flame is no myth, beloved Ones! I used this power two thousand years ago to fulfill my mission! This Flame is an Invincible Power that propels you up and into the perfection of your Higher Mental Body! Call the Resurrection of your habits in the Light! Call the Resurrection of your body and health in the Light! Call the Resurrection of your whole external activity in the Light of God that never fails! And if you are constant in your calls, you will see the miracles that will work in your world in just one year of determined application!
Beloved Jesus
For beloved Jesus’ full discourse during the Seven Sacred Weeks, see the link: