Beloved Mother Mary, in an article published in the Bridge to Freedom Bulletin, recommends an exercise to use the power of this (resurrection) flame to full advantage. She states:
"Today, sometime when you are quiet, take a glass of water and then call the power of the resurrection flame to charge through it, raising its vibratory action to that of the elixir of life. Do that three time today. Drink it as that elixir. It is a practical, workable activity, which will give to you a greater uplift of a sustained nature, than any amount of stimulus that can be given to you by the outer world. This is just a simple example, but I would like you to feel it; I would like you to see and to know the power that is in you, in everyone, to create and charge the water element into a substance which is truly the elixir of life.
The Resurrection Temple, Book: The Ascended Masters and Their Retreats, Ascended Master Teaching Foundation - AMTF
Picture: Grail of Light, Morgan Le Fay