Posted by Dee Fatouros on September 29, 2019 at 9:55am
"Impeachment' Is Nothing Less Than A Full-Scale Communist Coup Attempt By Treasonous Democrats Who Long Ago Sold Out America And The American People For Globalism" - What The Democrats Want Could Bring Decades Of Death By Government On An Industrial Scale
In an excellent new story over at CD Media titled "If You Were The Dem Organized Crime Family And About To Be Prosecuted For An Illegal Coup, What Would You Do?" that Whatfinger News had linked to on Wednesday, author L. Todd Wood, a graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy who flew special operations helicopters supporting SEAL Team 6 and Delta Force, argues that criminal Democrats and their enablers within the mainstream media know what is coming and, desperate beyond words, their doomed-to-fail impeachment attempt of President Trump might be the only way to get them out of the huge mess that they are in.
If only we had a magic cleansing wand to wave at DC
I have absolutely no compassion for the people who poison our food, air and water on purpose and that is saying it lightly.
@ Byron: "Now wouldn't that be 'loverly'!'
Burning at the stake like Hillary.
The top Dem "echelon" are evil incarnate and deserve an appropriate death. Any ideas as to what form?