Now is the time - Click here to watch the free 24-hour screening of The Great Year.

If the cyclical history theory we’ve been talking about lately is correct…

Then mankind is fated to endlessly rise and fall in an alternating cycle of light and dark ages.
And all this at the whim of the planets!
We’re sure you’ll agree that this in itself is already a fascinating prospect.
But on a more practical note - which part of the cycle are we in NOW?
And how can we use this information to shape a more peaceful and prosperous future?
You’ll find the astonishing answers to these questions - plus a fascinating look at the astrological, scientific, historical and mythological wisdom surrounding cyclical history - in Walter Cruttenden’s award-winning film, The Great Year:
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  • You can now watch The Great Year anytime (plus the Q&A) ‏


    You can now watch The Great Year anytime (plus the Q&A)

    Show this message...
    From: on behalf of Ancient Explorers ( This sender is in your safe list.
    Sent: Thu 10/02/14 11:44 PM
    Hi Ancient Explorer,
    An ancient mystery wrapped in a disruptive theory never goes wrong in these parts...
    And our latest screening of the award-winning The Great Year was no exception.
    So it’s thanks to comments like these…
    "I very much appreciated the professional way the information was presented... cycles happen and I'm glad we are opening our minds to just how large our universe is." - Starla Major

    "Interesting about the binary star system. I enjoyed this, thanks." - Adrienne Giacon
    … that we’ve decided to upload a replay of the film and a recording of the blistering live Q&A with Amish, the film’s maker Walter Cruttenden and our official host Jason Martell.
    Missed the first screening period or Q&A? Or just want to watch them again? 
    Here’s your second chance to learn all about the game-changing cyclical history theory. And how it may shine light on our true past and unknown future:
  • Before I watch the movie - I already was of the opinion that we are in a endless alternating cycle of light and dark  - but I also think that at some point of the cycle the ones destined for ascension spin off into a much better existence - hence this is why various cultures of the past have simply disappeared - but I also thought this time there was an opportunity for most of the people of earth, if not all, to ascend ... maybe / maybe not ... maybe I'm just stringing various possible future versions together to reach a likeable future scenario ... we shall see. Perhaps I'd better watch it.

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