The Group: Four Big Shifts of 2017
Greetings from Home, Dear Ones. I am the Keeper of Time.
I come to you this day and intersect with your timeline for just a moment to help touch your hearts and to help remind you who you are and where you are coming from. You are distant travelers who have definitely been around. Yet here you are now, settled on Earth and making rapid changes. There are so many incredible changes that sometimes it is difficult for us to keep up with all the things that humans are doing on planet Earth. Today we will share a little bit of what is coming in the year ahead; it is rather fascinating to watch what is taking place. By the time you get through February 2017, you will feel a bit of a calmness that has not been here for a while. In some ways, it is the calm before the storm. Dear ones, re-member that most change cannot happen when in the midst of calm. By its very definition, “change” often involves such disruption that a ripple is left in its wake. Do not fear this, for the change is actually what you have come to be a part of.