JJK: The day before yesterday I had the following dream: I see how many lawyers worldwide are trying to overturn this system of injustice. I see high and thick walls against which the lawyers are running. Often they are close to overcoming them, but the final success may not succeed.
Then I see from a bird’s eye view how a mass of people, at first still manageable, grows and grows until it builds up into a huge wave and buries under itself the old system of deceit and lies.
This system is simply washed away. As I wake up, the phrase is imprinted on my mind, “It’s the people that matter, every SINGLE one of us!” (Dream End)
SANANDA: This dream picture says everything and describes the present dynamics in the time happening of this earth. A for many doubters UNBELIEVABLE awakening is in the course.
First, people become aware that something is wrong. Then they see that everything is directed against their intentions, against freedom and against life itself. As a result, powerlessness may occur, but it does not last long, because inside more and more people become aware of their own strength and power. Intuitively, they begin to recognize and live their assignments that they have chosen for this life.
An incalculable number of people are now stepping into personal responsibility and self-empowerment.
What is taking place now is a piecemeal, a partial awakening that will eventually lead some people back into their spiritual nature – into the realm of their soul knowledge.
Now it is of utmost importance that you remain oriented, confident and in joy in the heat of everyday life and in the environment of fear energies that are being spread on a large scale.
No one can destroy the Kingdom of Peace within you as long as it is built on the solid foundation of your transformational work and as long as it is nurtured with care.
Now it is for you to be the lighthouse on the hill and to remain so for as long as your assignments require.
Many people who are now on their way to open their eyes and ask previously unasked questions need your light and love. It is not about working actively with the people, but it is only about your presence; about your radiation of light, love and peace. What do you radiate into your environment? That is what it is about now, because people will recognize you.
Even if individual events bring you off center for a short time, do not worry. Only take care that the discouragement is never of long duration or even grows into a permanent condition.
What it looks like in your innermost being and what is going on inside is now decisive! You can deceive others, you cannot lie to yourself anymore today.
The flood of light of the earth and human hearts brings forth the truth and you can perceive this not only in your own life, but in the worldwide context.
Be truthful in dealing with yourself! Correct everything that no longer vibrates in love with your soul and with yourself. Only in this way can you enter the kingdom of peace within you. That is the first step to the inner liberation and also the redemption is attained only about peace.
To realize this inner peace is your responsibility alone. In the same way, it is up to your discretion where, how and when you get involved in the outer events of the time.
Please remember: As a human being you are involved in human affairs at the moment of your birth! This is a law of nature, otherwise your incarnation would be senseless!
It is important that you recognize your role in this game and take your place. What is your irreplaceable contribution in this time?
When is it time for prayer, for meditation – and when are you called to action on the outside? What are your assignments – do you know them?
Today it is for you alone to find and walk your UNIQUE path. First become quiet inside and find the kingdom of peace within you. After that everything will happen by itself. Either the people find you or you bring this energy on the road to the people.
There is no change in which you are not involved. However, check exactly where and when you have to do what. You are a unique creature of God! How often have you heard this before and how much have you lacked the belief in it or the knowledge of it?
This false modesty may and must be discarded now. For the change, which is brought about by many, begins with the people who take their place in this world and use their abilities for the good of all.
Redemption from the dark entities of this world takes place through a joint effort of people, those people who have redeemed their own shadows to a certain degree.
Today it is necessary to wander between levels.
If on one day it is prayer and meditation, on another time it is necessary to go into action on the outside. You have the best conditions for this commuting between the levels when you are a meditator everywhere.
If you take up a struggle with an awake mind, a clear mind and with spiritual orientation, you have the best chance of succeeding.
Enrich those people who are currently struggling without spiritual armor with your energy and presence – and I tell you:
The great peace you perceive in so many demonstrations these days is the result of years of transformational work by many who are now showing their faces in the streets.
This is also the key to the success of the transformation, a transformation in which the self-empowered person is at the center and in which the unity of humanity is experienced in the diversity of individuals.
It is still a demanding path, adventures lie behind you and are still ahead of you. However, be beyond any doubt:
You will master these trials as masters should.
The light will triumph in the end, because you have taken over the redemption on your own responsibility and made the salvation of this world your own business.
And now? Now you will have all the help of heaven and the unlimited grace of God will be omnipresent in your life.
With perfect love,
**Channel: Jahn Kassl
**Translation to English by