I Am fundamentals

The Masters Of Wisdom Speak

THE WESAK FESTIVAL [May 7th on 2020]

EDITOR'S NOTE: Once a year, on the night of the full moon in the month of May, the beloved Lord Gautama Buddha appears to the children of Earth and pours the benediction of his presence through the assemblage gathered together in one of the valleys of northern India. The Great White Brotherhood are always present at this outpouring, as are many spiritually-minded men and women who, in their finer bodies, attend this visitation. From all over the East, pilgrims gather in their physical bodies to share in the blessing as well. Any who choose to attend while their physical bodies sleep may direct their consciousness before entering sleep on the night of May 17 to the Valley of the Wesak.


The embodiment of the virtues, (their very nature), and the qualities of God, by self-conscious intelligences, is the Law by which God multiplies, externalizes, and increases himself through all kingdoms and in all spheres. Such embodiment of the blessings of God enables individual intelligences to carry forth that radiation and modify its glory for the enjoyment and benefit of those lower on the ladder of evolution. Thus is the God-nature “stepped down” from sphere to sphere in its outward journey toward the periphery of the universe. One such radiating center of God's love is Gautama Buddha, whose benediction we all share on the anniversary of his ascension, which falls this year on May 17th.


Order is the first law of heaven! The light of the great parent sun, itself, is so brilliant, so dazzling, so potent, so mystical that its glory is mercifully “softened” by the lesser suns of each universe. Each lesser sun, receiving the full light from the parent sun, transforms and condenses the light and life from that sun to a rate of vibration which can be absorbed and digested by the planets of its system and the evolutions progressing thereon. So is the love of God drawn into the living bodies of great beings and radiated through them in such a manner that can be felt, understood and assimilated by the particular evolutions who are to be the beneficiaries of such “graded” radiation.

To enable the mankind of Earth to receive the spiritual blessings that are so easily absorbed by the consciousness of the Buddha in the realms of light, far, far beyond the reach of the consciousness of even the Ascended Masters, Lord Buddha offered once each year to lower the vibratory action of his inner bodies, his Cosmic Christ Consciousness and his very self, into the atmosphere of Earth. The radiation of such a presence becomes an active, tangible, potent force through the entire consciousness of the human race. Because he has returned into the atmosphere of Earth in response to the calls for mercy from unascended beings, his tangible presence at the Feast of the Wesak makes more potent and powerful than ever, the benediction and blessing that become the heritage of the people at this mystical celebration this year.


Observation of the transference of the wealth of one consciousness to another, in the field of education, leads the alert to realization that the reception and conference of radiation is the natural order of evolution. Always, the one further upon the pathway of knowledge, attainment, self-mastery, stands closer to the throne of the Eternal. Such an one is obligated to proffer the blessings received to those below him on the ladder of evolution and progress. Thus, for God, himself, there are “step down transformers,” even as in school the sum total of knowledge in the university is channeled through many consciousnesses (teachers) and stepped down into the receptive consciousnesses of the students. Those who carry the radiation of God and his word are messengers who come in his name. Greatest among these is our Lord Gautama Buddha, who has volunteered to prepare for the assumption of the service of beloved Sanat Kumara at the close of this present cycle of change.


In March, the pilgrims of Asia begin to respond to the magnetic power of love divine and turn their attention toward the spiritual currents set up by the Great White Brotherhood in preparation for the visitation of Lord Gautama Buddha at the Wesak Festival, on the night of the full moon, in the mystic month of May. There is no definite place which is set for the celebration of this cosmic event. Each year, the valley chosen is known only to the Brotherhood. The light in the heart of the pilgrims, the sincerity of their motives, and the tenacity of their endeavors determine whether or not they will arrive in the chosen valley and receive the added benediction through their physical garments as well as their inner vehicles, which naturally gravitate toward the celebration through the power of the attention, when the physical body sleeps. For all these earnest and prayerful pilgrims, let us whisper together a prayer, “Lead, kindly light, their feet to this holy shrine!”


God needs a body, a vehicle of expression, in order to externalize himself on every plane. For instance, ABSTRACT beauty is only enjoyed by the physical sight of men when embodied in a flowering bush, a blossomed tree, a shimmering lake, a majestic snow-crowned mountain. So, too, the divine nature of love is enjoyed when embodied as a friend, a mother, a sweetheart, a Guru. In a much greater capacity, the spiritual essence of God's presence is embodied in great God-intelligences who have the power to absorb, radiate and re-create, on a lower plane, the full nature of God. These God-intelligences are as much in accord with the system of manifesting the abstract, as is the flower, the bird song, the laden tree.

Such a one is Lord Gautama Buddha, who has earned the right to sit in the living presence of the God of this universe, embody his nature, and intensify that nature by his own qualified life. As a voluntary service to mankind, the angelic host and the elemental kingdom presently evolving in and around the planet Earth, he chooses once each year to lower into the atmosphere of Earth this radiation, which he has drawn into himself and which otherwise would remain in the sphere where God and his spiritual court abide.


The great seraphic legions serve primarily as messengers of the Most High. They, together with the cherubim, live in the presence of God, himself. Their bodies are batteries of his virtue. At his decree, they sweep through the universe, emitting from their radiant bodies that qualified light and life, which becomes a perfume, a spiritual impetus, a benediction in every sphere through which, like lightning, they pass. The seraphim and cherubim of love accompany Lord Buddha, and from India they carry the sweetness of his blessings around the world, going north, south, east and west, blanketing the planet with the essence of divinity.


I am one who chose to embody the nature of God. When I said, “He who has seen me, has seen the Father,” I presented this truth. It is now the opportunity for each one eager to expand the borders of the Father's kingdom, to likewise partake of the nature of God and embody that nature through the feelings, through the mental processes, and through the transfigured flesh!


Freedom is the particular virtue that I have always loved when contemplating the beautiful nature of God. From admiration of that quality as expressed through the divine Father and Mother, and through the beloved Archangels and God-beings who live but to express that nature, I was finally drawn to the realization that “embodiment” of that quality through my very self would be the proper service to life. To admire a virtue is a beautiful thing. Blessed is the consciousness whose perceptions are so developed that he can even SENSE virtue. It is the first step on the path. There comes, then, the day when the Guru suggests that admiration MUST BECOME ACTION. Action requires the self-conscious decision of the individual unit.

Editor’s Note: The office of Chohan of each ray is like the office of king, Pope, or president. This office is filled by different intelligences, who qualify to perform the services required through that particular office. Thus, in the long history of evolution of the race, the office of Chohan of the Seventh Ray, presently held by the Master Saint Germain, was previously held by other God-intelligences who have since graduated to superior positions in the Spiritual Hierarchy. We present, herewith, excerpts from recent addresses by beings who have, from time to time, held the office of Chohan of the Seventh Ray, and wielded the power of divine alchemy, transmutation of substance and energy, and, through the Violet Ray, assisted in the redemption of the race. The first Chohan of the Seventh Ray was the beloved Archangel Zadkiel. He was followed in successive order by beloved Sanat Kumara, the Lord Gautama Buddha, the Goddess of Mercy, Kwan Yin, and the beloved Saint Germain. In like manner, initiates are now training and preparing for the opportunity of assuming this office when the Master Saint Germain is called to greater service in the near future.

Your Editor, Thomas Printz *

* The Bridge to Freedom Journal, Mayo de 1954. Re-printed by the Ascended Master Teachings Foundation.

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