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  • Denver and Boulder will be slave camps.

  • this is the John Moore story that loads of men in the Navy and the police and others have been warned to leave for high ground and the Ozarks are the favored place to be. John Moore lives in the Ozarks, it seems to be one of the most favorable places in your country as far as earth changes go.  For me the best place is North Scotland but if the axis tilt happens it may be impossible if they have roads blocked let alone a mad population. I have my own routes planned into the welsh  mountains, about thirty to forty miles away. I would stay well away from Colorado as it will be under military control, I believe. I hope it is  a load of nonsense, but there are so many signs.....

  • Last year when the Navy map of the world was going strong, I heard on a radio, military man that moved to the Ozarks. 

  • that's very interesting, can you expand, about the whistelblowers? can you say what was said? are they military?

  • I heard the ice age too from whistle blowers.

  • you read my damned mind, damn!!!!!!!   just what occurred to me  LOL   , they are expecting a pole shift, and the continent to be covered in, they have to learn how to fight on the ice, to control a rampant population......bear in mind there is an agreement, a treaty that allows Canadian  and Americans armies to use each others territory.

  • Me, I will be heading for the hills, with my rucksack and my berkey water filter. I have no attachments, am perfectly happy to be alone, the two cats can look after themselves, You will find me walking the high peaks.......a  lonely shadow against the horizon.....

    Now, a little snippet, Canada is withdrawing 1500 troops from Afghanistan, and deploying them to the Arctic, the Canadian arctic, to learn how to live and fight on the ice. Now, let the imagination work on that.. from Global Research.

  • I've just loaded the site again, fine for about two seconds then it goes black again, all links dead. strange. by black I mean the light value is cut by half or more, images still visible but only half illuminated. most peculiar. I know some sites have made a protest about this SOPA act, and thought intelhub was doing this. maybe not? 

  • Nick it loads slow for me but does come up.

  • I've reloaded the website but it immediately goes dark again all links are frozen, most peculiar. are they being hacked, any  ideas? the world gets stranger

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