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  • I agree with you Teresa. The youth of this planet are fed up and disgusted because when we oldsters are long gone, they are going to have to clean up the mess of government greed an lust. I hope they take out the no good SOBs and find a way to make this planet what it once was. I feel sorry for what they have inherited. Not only all the polution, corruption of government offices, also dealing with an economy that will virtually leave them with nothing. I hope they take the bull by the horns and take control quickly!!
  • Anything is possible  Sizzle.  However, no matter  what reason  this  spill was  orchestrated the  end game is the same.  Control  , greed and  the  inevitable  endangerment and  death  of  animal and  human  alike.

    I know  you  are  not  trying to  justify anything  that t hey  have  done.  I  don't think anyone outside  their  circles  would  even  attempt to   whitewash  this mess. 

  • I  don't  know  what  has  happened  to the  money  ,  but  I am  sure  that  the government cut off the opportunity of the  fishermen  and the  families  affected  by  this  disaster from  collecting  monies from  BP.  They rushed into a  decision  declaring the  gulf  free of  oil and  safe  to  fish once  again.  Even  going  as  far  as ordering  public  schools and  facilities as well as  encouraging  private  companies  and  institutions  to  purchase  and  serve gulf seafood to help the  American  industry.  All this  serving  to  cut off the   people  so  deeply in  need of   money  for the  livelihood  that  BP and  the  US  government destroyed.  Once  the  gulf  was  declared  clean and the  seafood  safe to  eat these  families  were  cut off  from any possibility  of  collecting any of  the  money  that  BP  had  been obligated to  put  aside.


    As far  as the  cleanup?  They  hired  some  of the fisherman  that  were  out  of  work ,  put them  at  risk  by having them  work  with  contaminated  and  hazardous  materials  without   benefit  of  masks as was  recommended.  Simply  because  they  did not  want  pictures  taken  of the   workers  having  to  protect  themselves  from a  chemical  they  said  was  safe and  everyone  else   said  was a dangerous  toxin.  Putting these people  at  risk every single  day they were on the  job.  Some of  which  are  coming  forward  today  with  strange  symptoms  that cannot  be  explained.  Not to  mention the   testimonies  of  cleanup crew  members  that  clearly  state that they  had  indeed been  collecting  tar balls  from the  very  same  beaches  BP  and  government  officials  had  declared  clean  and  oil free.  The  cover ups and the lies  go on  for a  very  long  time.  Why these lies are  being  told  and  why the government  is playing  a part in it   is up for  speculation.  There  are  many  theories floating  about.  However,  with all the  evidence  and  illness and  now the  physical presence of the  oil that   was  declared  "disappeared" there will need to be  a lot  more  clarification  and  explanation  for the  reasoning of these lies  and  deception that  were perpetrated on the  American  people.  Only  time  will tell..........

  • Why this picture doesn't surprise me at all.

    What happen to that 18 billion dollars or some other amout that BP pledged for clean up? I havn't heard any progress or activity of it.

  • Marine life  and  people  are  both  suffering  already.  Sea life  is  dying and  people are  getting  very  sick in  the surrounding GulfRegion, from  these toxins. 


    Some  say  this was  the  purpose of the  spill.  The  need  for more   power,  more  money and  more  control.  Unfortunately they arebeing  deceived  and this  mess  will not  be  cleaned  up like  they 
    were  promised  it  would.  They  have  finished  killing  the   Gulf
    Stream.  Which in turn  will  affect  and  is effecting  global  climate
    ,now  as  we  speak.  As  can  be  attested by  the  severe cold  and 
    snowfall in  Europe for  example.

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