I am come to give you rest, Dharma. I am Esu Jesus. Thy body and mind are weary; are ye yet ready to give thy load unto me? Ye can trust me, chela, but ye must be ever vigilant. Just as the predator comes in the night and kills of thy pets, ye are beset of the Satanic forces of predator energies. Ye are most vulnerable in thy nighttime when thy mind forgets protection. Ye cannot be without thy shield for even a brief moment. Ye still cannot know of that which ye are doing in thy "sleep" time. Often times ye quarrel and resign in the "work" hours and the lessons can be abrupt and physical. YE ONES CONTINUE TO "WAIT" AND ARGUE: "LET ANOTHER WHO HAS NOT SHARED A FAIR PORTION TAKE THE LOAD FOR A WHILE; "NO, IT WILL NOT WORK, CHELAS, FOR AS WITH DHARMA, YE EITHER BELIEVE ON ME OR YE DO NOT---IT CANNOT BE "SORT OF". SOME OF YOU ARE DESTINED TO "GIVE IT ALL" (MY REFERENCE IS NOT ONLY UNTO YOU FOR "WEALTH") FOR YOU WILL BE LEADING YOUR BRETHREN, HEALING YOUR BRETHREN; HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY TELL THEM TO GIVE OF ALL AND TRUST IN GOD FOR THY LEADERSHIP IF YE CANNOT COME INTO COMFORT WITH THY TRUST. OH, I SEE, YE TRUSTED YESTERDAY AND NAUGHT HAPPENED? SO BE IT. SO BE IT!
Now learn a lesson from the trees which bear of thy fruits. When the branch is tender and the leaves begin to sprout, you know that summer is almost arrived. Just so, when you see all these things beginning to happen, you can know that my return is near, even at the doors. I shall send forth mine angels with the sound of a mighty trumpet blast, and they shall gather my chosen ones from the farthermost reaches of the Earth and Heaven.
THEN AT LAST THIS AGE SHALL COME TO AN ENDING! Have ye not been hearing the "tuning of the trumpet tones"? Have ye not heard the orchestra in its pre-synchronizing for the opening overture for the final act?
Have I not told you that Heaven and Earth will disappear unto you, but my words remain forever? Aye, I have told thee many times! No one knows the date and the hour when the end will be---not even the angels. NO, NOT EVEN GOD'S SON! ONLY THE FATHER KNOWS. Perhaps ye who have given freely a portion but hold from the Father thy complete and wholeness of trust, will have only a portion returned. Ye cannot be in full action while ye dwell on thy worldly possessions for they are soon now of no value unto thee. Only thy relationship with thy Father God will be of value unto you. There will be no protection "bought" or "sold" and ye seem to realize of it not.
The world will be at ease, still having of banquets and parties, weddings and celebrations, just as it was in Noah's time. Thy wine and thy beers shall flow looser than the waters and thy minds shall be drugged and simple. But the floods came and washed over the Earth and the peoples were lost. People wouldn't believe and they continued to hold back from God and were lost in the waters. They would not believe what would happen until the flood actually arrived and took them all away. SO SHALL MY COMING BE. YE "CLAIM" TO BELIEVE AND YE ASK WARNINGS AND YE HEAR ME NOT FOR THY ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN ANY OF THY WORDS CAN EVER SHOUT! SO BE IT AND SELAH, FOR IT SHALL BE AGAIN AS IT WAS BEFORE, FOR YE FAIL TO SEEK TICKETS FOR THY HOMEBOUND JOURNEY.
Two men will be working together in the field, and one will be taken, the other left. Two women will be going about their household tasks; one will be taken, the other left. I ponder whether or not the one left will hardly notice the loss of the other. One shall be in drunkenness from the alcohol and/or peering at the obscene boxes of visions and who will notice the absence of the other? So be it.
me too Norad, the arthritis has started biting so may have a quite day tomorrow, plenty of reading here.,excellent stand up Jaks and be counted!!!! we are in your debt.
Thank you, Jaks, just started reading number one, large file, looks like it will keep me out of the pubs for quite a while!!!! ( I don't drink by the way) LOL
Jacks, This material is amazing.. Started reading it...just wanted to get back with you here. Thanks! This will certainly keep me busy and out of trouble for awhile... :)
Hey Jack have a look at this ... vid first (trumpet sounds) then read the page form the Phoenix Journels from Immanuel Sananda
I am come to give you rest, Dharma. I am Esu Jesus. Thy body and mind are weary; are ye yet ready to give thy load unto me? Ye can trust me, chela, but ye must be ever vigilant. Just as the predator comes in the night and kills of thy pets, ye are beset of the Satanic forces of predator energies. Ye are most vulnerable in thy nighttime when thy mind forgets protection. Ye cannot be without thy shield for even a brief moment. Ye still cannot know of that which ye are doing in thy "sleep" time. Often times ye quarrel and resign in the "work" hours and the lessons can be abrupt and physical. YE ONES CONTINUE TO "WAIT" AND ARGUE: "LET ANOTHER WHO HAS NOT SHARED A FAIR PORTION TAKE THE LOAD FOR A WHILE; "NO, IT WILL NOT WORK, CHELAS, FOR AS WITH DHARMA, YE EITHER BELIEVE ON ME OR YE DO NOT---IT CANNOT BE "SORT OF". SOME OF YOU ARE DESTINED TO "GIVE IT ALL" (MY REFERENCE IS NOT ONLY UNTO YOU FOR "WEALTH") FOR YOU WILL BE LEADING YOUR BRETHREN, HEALING YOUR BRETHREN; HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY TELL THEM TO GIVE OF ALL AND TRUST IN GOD FOR THY LEADERSHIP IF YE CANNOT COME INTO COMFORT WITH THY TRUST. OH, I SEE, YE TRUSTED YESTERDAY AND NAUGHT HAPPENED? SO BE IT. SO BE IT!
Now learn a lesson from the trees which bear of thy fruits. When the branch is tender and the leaves begin to sprout, you know that summer is almost arrived. Just so, when you see all these things beginning to happen, you can know that my return is near, even at the doors. I shall send forth mine angels with the sound of a mighty trumpet blast, and they shall gather my chosen ones from the farthermost reaches of the Earth and Heaven.
THEN AT LAST THIS AGE SHALL COME TO AN ENDING! Have ye not been hearing the "tuning of the trumpet tones"? Have ye not heard the orchestra in its pre-synchronizing for the opening overture for the final act?
Have I not told you that Heaven and Earth will disappear unto you, but my words remain forever? Aye, I have told thee many times! No one knows the date and the hour when the end will be---not even the angels. NO, NOT EVEN GOD'S SON! ONLY THE FATHER KNOWS. Perhaps ye who have given freely a portion but hold from the Father thy complete and wholeness of trust, will have only a portion returned. Ye cannot be in full action while ye dwell on thy worldly possessions for they are soon now of no value unto thee. Only thy relationship with thy Father God will be of value unto you. There will be no protection "bought" or "sold" and ye seem to realize of it not.
The world will be at ease, still having of banquets and parties, weddings and celebrations, just as it was in Noah's time. Thy wine and thy beers shall flow looser than the waters and thy minds shall be drugged and simple. But the floods came and washed over the Earth and the peoples were lost. People wouldn't believe and they continued to hold back from God and were lost in the waters. They would not believe what would happen until the flood actually arrived and took them all away. SO SHALL MY COMING BE. YE "CLAIM" TO BELIEVE AND YE ASK WARNINGS AND YE HEAR ME NOT FOR THY ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN ANY OF THY WORDS CAN EVER SHOUT! SO BE IT AND SELAH, FOR IT SHALL BE AGAIN AS IT WAS BEFORE, FOR YE FAIL TO SEEK TICKETS FOR THY HOMEBOUND JOURNEY.
Two men will be working together in the field, and one will be taken, the other left. Two women will be going about their household tasks; one will be taken, the other left. I ponder whether or not the one left will hardly notice the loss of the other. One shall be in drunkenness from the alcohol and/or peering at the obscene boxes of visions and who will notice the absence of the other? So be it.
This is the Most IMPORTANT Must read!!!
2, 3, 5, 7, 27 & 47
30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 & 37
43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50,
Wow #3 is ALL-Some!!**!! Don't praise me.
Give thanks to All of the Good Works Done, Being Done and Will Be Done.
The Big Pick-Up!
This the Main Web site that the info came from lots of good reading very difficult to leave this site to read other things!
I was hoping my friends here would enjoy the info. please pass it out to your friends Thanks
me too Norad, the arthritis has started biting so may have a quite day tomorrow, plenty of reading here.,excellent stand up Jaks and be counted!!!! we are in your debt.
Thank you, Jaks, just started reading number one, large file, looks like it will keep me out of the pubs for quite a while!!!! ( I don't drink by the way) LOL
Yes, you'll find many truths within the Journels ... happy reading Jack. One of my favourites is 'Space Gate The Veil removed'. Number 3...
Eric J
Jacks, This material is amazing.. Started reading it...just wanted to get back with you here. Thanks! This will certainly keep me busy and out of trouble for awhile... :)