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  • Byron, I believe frequency and vibrations are or will be the answer.

  • The latest estimate is 90% I don't know how accurate it is. Yes Sandra it has been proven over and over again what is in Morgellons patients is in the Chemtrails.  

  • Peter

     In 2007 when Clifford Carnicom found Nanobots in people with Morgellons Disease I went in a search of what they really are and I became horrified since I too had Morgellons. They are a synthetic  robot with the capability of changing into anything they want to (morphing). The reason they are so popular is because they also have the ability to replicate them selves. With proper programing they can build anything. They were first found on this planet during the Clinton years on a Space rock they said was from Mars. Many scientists say if they were to get out of control they could turn this planet into a grey blob like in the movie ( the Blob ). It takes 1400 degrees to destroy them. Recently it was found that they deplete the Iron and calcium in your body, so it looks like they feed. In the wrong hands this is a very dangerous science experiment and probably should of been stopped if that is even possible. When I first started studying Nanotechnology I only lasted long enough to realize it we had delved into something that was not of this world and needed more research before even considering it at all. These creatures are also in the chemtrail so it seems to be planned that they are suppose to be in our bodies and it appears we are headed for Transhumanism like it or not. Sophia Smallstorm  and Clifford Carnicom believe it totally. My first question when I get a session of healing is what is going on in my body with these creatures, although I don't want to know the real answer. Frequency and vibrations may be our way out.     

  • Actually, the video reminded me of Teflon - and it's health dangers!

  • Good points Byron.

    Obviously a field we have limited knowledge on all of the effects - good and especially bad.

    Treat with care - if at all!

  • It’s easy enough for quality control experts to make a mistake here. Nanoparticles behave much differently than do their larger elemental counterparts; for example, graphite is classified as having a certain level of toxicity, but nano-carbon, although technically graphite renders none of the same effects.

    The problem is that this can also work in the opposite way. A seemingly harmless element is broken down and engineered on the molecular level until it has become more dangerous than its original parent material, without anyone suspecting that such a drastic transformation has taken place.

    One chilling example of this phenomenon involves fullerenes. Tiny nano-elements, they were once believed to be relatively harmless. Research conducted in 2004 with ongoing ramifications indicates that the opposite is true; researchers exposed fish to a dose of fullerene at 0.5 parts per million for a mere 48 hours and found that the fish sustained extensive brain damage.

    More than this, their entire physiology was changed the fullerenes had changed the reproductive code as well as key genetic markers in the livers of the fish, indicating that future generations would be susceptible to hereditary handicaps. And just to make sure that the test results really were as horrific as they seemed to be, researchers then applied the fullerene dose to water fleas, a key link in the marine food chain. The water fleas died almost instantly.

    Fullerenes are present in many innocuous products, one of which is fertilizer. This is especially concerning in light of the fish research results, since fullerenes travel freely through soil and can be absorbed and magnified in the bodies of earthworms. Earthworms affect the soil in which vegetables are grown, meaning that fullerenes have a free shot at entering the human food chain.

    While we may not be as easily warped as fish, it is certain that if exposed to enough trace amounts of any harmful nanochemical such as fullerene our brains would suffer some form of damage.

    This potential danger is one of the factors that has spurred researchers to call for better investigation of nanotechnologically-produced substances before they are allowed to enter our everyday lives. Unfortunately, some elements of society regard the short-term monetary benefits as more important than long-term societal ramifications.

    It stands to reason that nanoparticles can penetrate cells—they are much smaller and more active than the cellular material they seek to penetrate and can literally slip through the cell wall in many cases. Apart from entering our bodies directly in this manner, which they would have no trouble doing, nanoparticles could also get there indirectly by infiltrating the food chain in a number of ways.

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