The Crown of the Elohim
Upon the forehead of every individualized God-intelligence there is a beautiful crown of Light upon the front of which are seven Flames in the colors which represent the Seven Rays of the Elohim.
The First is represented at the left side of the forehead by the Blue Flame of Hercules; then follows the Sunshine-yellow Flame of Cassiopeia; then the Pink Flame of Orion.
The center Flame on the front of the Crown is the Crystal Flame of Cosmic Christ Purity, within which is held a focus of the All-seeing-Eye of God. Around this Flame there ascends a radiance of the Ray to which the individualized lifestream belongs. Next there follows the Green Flame of Vista; the Golden Flame of the Elohim of Peace, ending on the right side of the forehead with the Violet Flame of Arcturus.
As each Elohim, Archangel and Chohan pours forth the radiation of His Ray on the successive days of each week – beginning with the Blue Ray of Hercules on Sunday, each of these Rays on the foreheads of mankind is successively nourished and expanded.
This “Crown of the Elohim” of which we speak is not visible to the average physical sight of unascended mankind but It may be clearly seen by any an all who have their true “inner sight” well developed an, of course, It can be and is always seen by the Cosmic Beings, Ascended Masters and the Angelic Host Who minister to mankind. This “Crown” is a natural God-gift of Light to every God-intelligence incarnated and is the anchorage of the Seven Rays of the Elohim in every brow. When well developed, this “Crown” is a certain protection to the brain structure and mental body, as well as a focus for the “inner sight” of the individual through the raising into God-activity again of the pineal gland in the center of the brain. The anchorage of these Seven Rays into the forehead of each individual gives the Elohim, Archangels and Chohans an “Open Door” through which They may give assistance to mankind.
When the sincere student of Truth becomes conscious of this “Crown” (having accepted Its presence upon his forehead by receiving the Masters’ instruction to that effect) he also accepts each day the radiation of the Virtues of the Great Beings concerned therewith. Consciously “tuning in” to that Virtue through his attention upon Them, much more concentrated blessings are rhythmically received by such a chela.
These Seven Rays on the forehead act like a spiritual “antennae” magnetizing the gifts of the Seven Rays into the individual worlds of those who will consciously accept them. Then, according to Divine Law, this lifestream sends forth the blessing received, amplified by his own conscious direction.
Anyone who wishes to daily use the following Chant to the Seven Mighty Elohim will find a sense of tremendous balance coming into his Life and experience right here in this physical appearance world. To get the best results from Its use one should practice it at least once every day at about the same time.
The musical notes for the chanting of the Name “E-lo-him” are the following: F below Middle C, followed by the next full tone G – then B flat. The Word - “I AM” - should be spoken in one’s ordinary tone of voice – then follow immediately by singing (with a musical instrument if possible) the tone of F (below Middle C), then G and then B flat. This activity should be repeated seven times, focusing the attention each time upon the Rays and Names of the Elohim in order, beginning with the Blue Ray of Hercules on the left. The Chant goes:
“I AM”! E-lo-him! E-lo-him! E-lo-him! E-lo-him! E-lo-him! E-lo-him! E-lo-him! Seven times seven - “I AM” E-lo-him!!
The words “Seven times seven - “I AM” should also be spoken in one’s own voice tone – and the final E-lo-him taken on the three musical tones – this last time very slowly!
The blessings of the Holy Spirit are upon you always – as you TRY!
Maha Chohan
The Seven Mighty Elohim Speak on the Seven Steps to Precipitation
The Bridge to Freedom, AMTF