The “Tube of Light” Protection
Since we have all been reminded often of the Chinese wisdom which tells us that “One picture is worth than thousands words!”, we can but suggest to our Gentle Readers that, if they have not already seen one, they procure as quickly as possible a copy of the chart of the individualized Presence of each lifestream, who Divine God-Name is “I AM” (Bible – Exodus 3:14).
In the beginning of a lisfestream’s spiritual awakening, this “Tube” of pure, electronic light essence may be drawn down about the four lower bodies by the personality, at his call to his own “I AM” Presence in which he lives, moves and has his actual being. The greater part of the consciousness of one’s own God-self lives in Its Own Higher Consciousness of Absolute Perfection, while a focus of that Perfection is anchored by the Holy Christ Self within the Three-fold Flame within each beating heart. (See explanation of “Three-fold Flame” previously described herein (also posted in this page days before) ). Quite naturally, all of the God-Presence “I AM” (or even of the Holy Christ Self) could not be and is not anchored within the physical heart – else would the outer self or personality be wholyy perfect! Whatever Perfection is there has had the shadows of discordant human thought, feeling, spoken word and deed imposed upon It, shutting in Its Divine radiance – all of this instruction having been set forth in detail heretofore in this book.
However, as the consciousness of the individual awaken and his “inner light” has expanded sufficiently, the radiation of light rom the Three-fold Flame within his heart expands until Its light meets that of the Tube of Light and the individual then becomes self-luminous - “transfigured” as Beloved Jesus was on the Mount of Transfiguration.
By holding the thoughts, feelings, spoken words and actions of the personality or “outer self” wholly harmonious (if only for forty-eight hours continuously at one time) one could make this Tube of Light protection an invincible wall of invisibility, invincibility and invulnerability about one and nothing of the discord of the outer world, other personalities or conditions could possibly disturb the one so protected. This may be proven to be very effective if one wishes to try it!
(See p. 21 of August 1956 “Bridge” for more explanation of the Tube of Light and statement for Its daily use.)
Now, if one should become discordant and lose his self-control (perhaps because of some old momentums of destructive habits of feeling), one should immediately call on the Law of Forgiveness saying: “Beloved Presence of God ‘I AM’ in me, ‘I AM’ the Ascended Masters’ Law of Forgiveness, Forgetfulness and Transmuting Flame of this mistake which I have made, all the mistakes I have ever made and those of all mankind; as well as those of the Elemental Kingdom. Transmute this misqualified energy into ‘The Light of God that Never Fails’. Illumine our minds and feelings and see that neither I nor any of the rest of life ever make that or any other mistake again”. Then use the statement calling for the “Tube of Light” protection again to be established about you.
Be sure to call for this “Tube of Light” protection every morning before you leave your room or home for the day. While giving the statement, picture a Tube of dazzling white light substance (like sun on glistening snow) pouring down around you as circular wall of light; this light essence constantly pouring like a Niagara Falls. See this “Tube” to be about nine feet in diameter and about three feet thick.
This “Tube of Light” may be given the color of any of the Seven Rays; It may be charged with your favorite fragrance from the flower of your choice and It may also be charged to carry some favorite melody which you would like all to hear as you approach. For instance, as the Beloved Jesus appears, the melody of “Joy to the World” is heard in the atmosphere.
After a short time of faithfully calling forth this activity of the “Tube of Light” protection, one will be able to feel the benefit of Its use and will wonder how he ever got along without It.
Here is a suggested short form for the calling forth of this “Tube” – as stated above, there is a much more efficacious form available for this purpose in the August, 1956 “Bridge”:
“Beloved Mighty Victorious Presence of God ‘I AM’ in me! Blaze Thou around me now Thy invincible Cosmic Christ protection of the Tube of pure electronic Light essence. See to it for me that this protection is all-powerfully active and eternally sustained. Let no human discordant creation ever reach me through It. Let this Tube of Light essence make and keep me invisible and invulnerable to every human shadow, constantly raising and holding my attention upon Thy Omnipresence – in everyone, everything, everywhere. I consciously accept this done Right Now with full power.”
Book: The Seven Mighty Elohim Speak
The Bridge to Freedom, AMTF