Here's a copy of some of George's commentary for those who follow Clif's work, and for those following the concern of people suddenly snapping....
Thursday's Curious Web Bot Hit
Had a most interesting conversation with Clif about how the attack by a lone
gunman at the Discovery Channel in Maryland on Wednesday is an important
temporal marker in the developing mass rejection of "The Big Lies" that are
propagated by MainStreamMedia (the MSM).
We've been watching this part of the language evolve over the past couple of
months because of the 'heads up' contained in the June 20th "Shape of
Things To Come" report which outlined how the schism between what people see
with their own eyes on topics like the environment and the economy are vastly
different from the media portrayals of reality:
"As modelspace is progressed through Summer, and especially through
late July through to very late September, the [degradation] of the [business
as usual] blather from the [propagandists] is indicated to become so
[blatant] as to [incite ridicule] within the [mass social body] of the
Populace/USofA. The entity is clearly indicating that we will all begin to have a [private joke] about the [latest lies] coming from the [propaganda blitzers on
teevee]. It would seem that this trend of [active] and [acknowledged
disbelief] of the [mainstream media] will be [captured] by several
[comics/pundits] over late July and early August. The data sets
indicate that several of these [pundits/comics] will be [vocal] and [blatant] in
their use of this meme and are indicated to [benefit] considerably from this
[involvement] in the emerging trend. Note that these stand-up [acerbic wits]
are significant precisely because this [visibility of disbelief] is a
temporal marker for the larger emerging theme which will have its major
impact beginning in September. Also at this time, which is to say over
Summer, and into very early Fall, 2010, the [minion class (of politicians)]
will be [freaking out] and [acting impulsively] as the [pressures] are being
[sensed/felt] from the [public]." (Link to and
www.halfpasthuman.copm required if cited)
Over at the website, you can read the Lee demands and when
you go through them point-by-point they seem to point at the same kind of
'revolutionary' mindset that is characterized elsewhere in the HPH reports.
While the Lee writings are characterized with the emotionally 'hot' term' manifesto', some of his larger points about soaring human population may be viewed more as dangerous to the prevailing social paradigm than dangerous (except for the fact he got a gun involved).
His point about the television's glorification or war and related technology
somewhat tracks to the linguistic expectations about calling out the PTB Big Lies.
And example:
"All programs promoting War and the technology behind those must cease. There is no sense in advertising weapons of mass-destruction anymore.
Instead, talk about ways to disassemble civilization and concentrate the message in finding SOLUTIONS to solving global military mechanized conflict. Again, solutions solutions instead of just repeating the same old wars with newer weapons. Also, keep out the fraudulent peace movements. They are liars and fakes and had no real intention of ending the wars. ALL OF THEM ARE FAKE! On one hand, they claim they want the wars to end, on the other, they are demanding the human population increase. World War II had 2 Billion humans and after that war, the people decided that tripling the population would assure peace. WTF??? STUPIDITY! MORE HUMANS EQUALS MORE WAR!"
The shooting of Lee is a kind of temporal culmination of what's been developing
as an undercurrent in Western culture over many months; people are starting to
question and that tends to raise my confidence in some of what the linguistics hold for the fall.
To name a few, based on this event as a key temporal marker, we ought to
see a three month decline in the markets getting underway shortly.
Then, the next indicator, at least of critical concern to small
investors, savers, and po' folks like us who still dare to dream of retirement --
and this should come along before the big tipping point in the second week
of November -- may be the 'laughing man' on national media.
The linguistics have us on the lookout for some character of note on
national TV laughing while most of his colleagues are puking and sickened by the
declines in the markets going on.
Seems this fellow will be getting a 'last laugh' as people who've been
told repeatedly "Warning - here comes trouble in paper markets!" but chose to
ignore it, and have stayed in on the long side, will end up where most bulls
do: In a financial slaughterhouse.
Related, I posted a pre-open trading note for
subscribers including an alert from Robin Landry which may be accessed (subscribers only) here.
Thar' He Blows Department
Another part of Clif's predictive work has been the expectations building around
unusual weather which should be contributing to shortages of basics like food in coming months. Granted, a hurricane is NOT particularly unusual, but the evolving sidebar stories may be.
The arrival of Hurricane Earl is something of a precursor event in the Bigger Picture that emerges from the different data sets, but hardly matters if you happen to be one of the hundreds of thousands who will experience nature's fury firsthand between now and Tuesday of next week.
Island evacuations along the east coast are underway now and the forecast update looks like this:
watch]" src="" height="400" width="500"">
Key thing about the weather - I mean Earl aside - is that it is already having
an impact on food prices. Russia's harvest losses, the decline in Canadian
wheat expected - all this kind of weather related background is emerging
as the highest food prices in two years.
I'm watching how the temporal markers hit, so I can determine the value of his more dire descriptors.