Total Energy Clearing Decree
This process is best done when you are lying down at night, just before you go to sleep. You may do it in bed if you wish. The more often you can do this process, even nightly, the better.
Before beginning, dedicate yourself to the Light: “I Decree I Am dedicating myself to the Light now.”
Next, “I Am asking for and invoking the presence and assistance of Archangel Michael and the Light Force, the Powers of Light, the Lords of Light, the Legions of Light, the Warriors of Light, the Lords of Karma, the Lords of Grace, the Lords of Protection, and the Divine Director on behalf of __(your name)__ now.”
“I am asking you to clear, heal, align, open, activate, synchronize, fill with Light, repair, and reconnect for_ (your name) __ entire Tube of Light and Crystal Shaft, and all the chakras, chakra complexes, channels, connections, and templates through all levels and all systems.”
(Wait until the energy reaches the feet before going on.)
“I am asking you to clear, heal, align, open, activate, synchronize, fill with Light, repair, and reconnect the grounding cord of __(your name) __ on all levels to the Center of the Earth and beyond, including all planetary structures, grid structures, and connections, and all the chakras, chakra complexes, channels, connections, and templates through all levels and all systems.”
(Wait until the energy reaches the feet before going on. Wait after each step.)
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