Today, I made the grave error of commenting in a manner that bothered someone who I consider a friend, Joe. For this I am sorry, I truly didn't mean any offense but the wording used and the method I presented it in could lead someone to feel a negative connotation. I ask one and all who do post to take a moment and consider if you personally would be offended if you were on the receiving end of your post. I try to do this in practice but at times I post blindly without giving it second thought. Consider what occurred today as such a time. Efforts will be made on my part to avoid this happening again with anyone. I love the thoughts and information that are expressed on this ning and I only wish to contribute.
So in summation think before you post because you never know who may be made to feel badly.
Sorry Joe and please know your efforts are acknowledged and appreciated.
What can I say when you have all said it so eloquently?
We are a family and as a family the siblings will get to squabbling, it happens. The trick is to learn to forgive and move on. I am pretty sure that the large majority of us are logical and sensitive beings. Once an apology has been made for a wrong done ( actual or perceptual) the other will eventually come around. Hurt feelings take a bit for the twinge to dissipate.
Joe is a wonderful man who is highly sensitive about the things and the people he cares about. He is very forgiving and his love for us all abounds. He will come around when he is ready to do so .
You Hear That Joe? Now Don't You Make Me Look Bad ! Ya Hear!!!!! :D :P
Well said folks. I think we all could do with some inner soul searching and spiritual cleansing. I don't know if we are all reacting to planetary or spirituality issues, but I don't feel like myself. Sometimes getting into nature and quiet solidarity is good for our souls. I know when I check out from negative forces, I can go underground for weeks. When others feel overloaded and chill, I respect that. As long as I know that they are okay and just regrouping, I'll leave them be. I know we all get short circuited at times. Its a lot of stress to live in the times that we do, and as sensitive as most of us are, dealing with unpleasantness can throw us for a loop. Downtime is necessary to regroup and regenerate. If we don't, the silly little things we'd normally take in our stride seem ominous. So lets all agree to at least that - we all can be at fault, but it's okay. No matter how kind we are, eventually we slip up because we are human. The reality of that should make us more understanding and forgiving towards one another. This is almost like a test of what we will be like in the after time when the stresses are high, and tolerance thin. Once we heal we come back to normal and be compassionate towards 1 another again. :)
LOL Karen, I've had that same visual, but in reading people's post, I realise it is not true, it seems to me that most people are like you and post in between things. I recognise the tone you talk about in your posts, I just figured you are very busy, and typing fast and furious.
Alex, thanks for being so open, and genuine and caring, you be a good bloke, :) Have you and Joe made up? I can't imagine how you couldn't have, Joe is a very forgiving guy.
This is a good post, very important to remember these things...
These are such troubled times Alex. We are all under such pressure trying to convince our loved ones that all is not right in the world that at times we strike out without thinking or, as in your case, don't speak with our usual sensitivity. I am sure Joe will understand your heartfelt apology.
We are a family and as a family the siblings will get to squabbling, it happens. The trick is to learn to forgive and move on. I am pretty sure that the large majority of us are logical and sensitive beings. Once an apology has been made for a wrong done ( actual or perceptual) the other will eventually come around. Hurt feelings take a bit for the twinge to dissipate.
Joe is a wonderful man who is highly sensitive about the things and the people he cares about. He is very forgiving and his love for us all abounds. He will come around when he is ready to do so .
You Hear That Joe? Now Don't You Make Me Look Bad ! Ya Hear!!!!! :D :P
Hugs to you all
Alex, thanks for being so open, and genuine and caring, you be a good bloke, :) Have you and Joe made up? I can't imagine how you couldn't have, Joe is a very forgiving guy.
This is a good post, very important to remember these things...