Politics, Legislation and Economy News

Economic /  Government  :  Corruption & Government Overreach

The John Moore Show 8-29-2012 – Special Report

Published on Aug 29, 2012 by ToDayPrepare

On the John Moore Show today, John gives us more details on the Oct 2012 event.

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  • I'm always suspicious of people who claim knowledge of specific dates. I wouldn't put to much credence into this sources - from what I've heard of his show (though interesting because I eat up these subjects) smells of disinformation

  • I agree that  the economy will tank sooner rather than later. This Ponzi scheme cannot go on forever.

    As  far as  foreign troops on  our soil, they  may  want  it that  way  ,they  may  plan it  that way.  However, reality has away  of biting one in the tucchus when  one least  expects it.

    Timelines have  failed in almost  every instance,so  IMO giving a date is a big mistake.To bring foreign troops will insure a bloody  war not a quick cleanup as they  may  expect.  I am still waiting for the predictions of the Cabal getting theirs to materialize. As far as I can tell they are all alive and well ,still enjoying their ill gotten gains while the average citizen struggles  and worries about losing their jobs and their homes.

    The minions that they are  targeting in their arrests are insignificant in the scheme of things. The Banks, Financial Institutions and Important individuals responsible for the demise of the economy  both Global and domestic have not been touched.

    So yes the  Economy is going to blow,but guess who  is going to be left holding the bag and having to pay  for the cleanup?  The average citizen that's who. The Fat Cats will continue to do what they  do best ,   Lie ,cheat  and steal with the blessing and protection of the Governments.  Unless someone does some thing about  it.  By  someone I do not mean ET I mean  US, the People.

  • It is all just one big MINOPOLY game!  There is a point when the game is over.  That point is when everyone gives all their fake money to the one guy who owns everything. 

  • A lot of americans, including many U.S. Military personnel, will NOT be happy if there are foreign troops on our soil.

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