Universal Mother Mary ~ Calling For A 1,000 Waveriders! Linda Dillon, Council of Love Newsletter, June 4, 2014.
Mother Mary woke me again this morning, praising all of us for doing such a magnificent job in coming together, united in heart – preparing for our Tsunami of Love blessing this coming Sunday, June 8th.
“A good start” She said but “I am calling everyone – I am calling all humanity”. With that I was hauled out of bed to write this note. As I sat down the Mother stepped in and began another beautiful and powerful channeling. Our Mother means business!!!
“My beloved children I am beckoning you to come and open your hearts to the Tsunami of Love. I have heard your pleas for change, for opening, for Ascension. Do not hesitate or drop down into fear that the miracle of Love is not possible. I AM LOVE. I AM ONE. And sweet angels, I AM YOUR MOTHER.
“I beseech thee to join me in my blue wave of love, of wholeness, of unity, connectedness and balance. I implore you for this moment of now to step forward not only in trust of your sacred self but in trust of miracles. We are united in heart – we always have been. The difference, the Shift is that you are increasingly aware of our union, our Love.
“Will you permit yourself to be penetrated to the core of your being by my Love? Will you permit yourself to step forward as never before? Will you permit yourself to be swept away into your tomorrow, your New You, your Nova Earth? Will you permit me to help you – to Love you the way I do? Will you permit me to show you the truth and magnificence of my plan? Will you permit me to show you the magnificence of your being? Will you permit me to walk with you?
“I implore you my beloved ones – we have begun and your showing of hearts warms the entire company of heaven. Now I call unto thee – step forward more boldly. Step forward as the legion of Lightholders, Love-bearers, and Wayshowers you are. I call not only for 1,000 or 12,000 waveriders but for all of humanity to not only listen but respond to my plea. Step forward as one, united in heart. I love you. Farewell.”
The mantra of the Council of Love since the very beginning has been United in Heart but never have I felt the massiveness of this motto as I do today. We are united, unified in heart and mind and purpose. I go way out on a limb but my friends I believe this is our time. I choose to trust. I take a deep breath and share this with you because we are family – we are One.
Seldom do I ask that this be shared but if this speaks to your heart and core, please pass it on. We can do this – but only together, heart to heart to heart.
Register here for the Mother’s Tsunami of Love presentation. You will be sent the link right away. And I will see you on Sunday!
I love you,
The 10 virtues that have been taught to us by Mother Mary which mankind tend to blow off are:
My dear little children, praised be Jesus!
My little ones, pray that you will receive the grace to abandon yourself unto God.
It is through abandonment that you become free and are receptive to do God's Will.
My Son loves you, and it is through detachment from the world and in being open to His Way through obedience, that you can be at peace, so as to love and receive great graces.
My Son wishes to grace you with many virtues, but first the vices of the flesh must be tempered.
My Son wishes for all to receive my virtues of patience, faith, love, sweetness, wisdom, charity, humility, obedience, hope and prayer.
I love you, my little children, and ask you to pray fervently to Jesus.
Pray, be patient, and please love one another unconditionally.
Love as a decision, and your heart will live out His Love, if you abandon yourself to my Son.
Bless you, My little ones, in the Name of Jesus.
Thank you for responding to my call these days I have been allowed to be here.
AD DEUM. (message given to Gianna Sullivan December 1st 1993)
As one can see LOVE is within this list of virtues. There are so many other messages that repeat what jacks posted above.
"respond to my plea" This is something Blessed Mother has repeated over and over and over and over again in thousands and thousands of Marian visionary messages. However, a lot of man kind over the past century chooses not to read or listen or even heed these messages. And when you have visionaries like Pedro Regis (Our Lady of Peace, Brazil) who has a proven track record of the messages from Our Lady coming to fruition over and over and over again you would think that more people would start paying attention! Due to the ignoring of the true visionaries, God has planned the Illumination, also known as the Event, to awaken all of mankind to the existence of God. This should complete the "Tsunami of Love" around the planet, and have people remorseful and learn from the wrongs they have done. It will be also a teaching event and much, much more. No one knows exactly when this event is to be planned however it is good to be ready just in case it happens in one's lifetime as it is said to happen in this generation.