Stuff like "Schumann" and "Aether" are hard enough to understand, yet alone to comprehend. Yet, my Scientists friends have been studing our Sun long before Elenin came on the stage ... and some of their findings are to me, alarming.
They know that the Sun is doing things to our Earth, that have never been recorded before ... Earthquake Precursers, and other such stuff. Their study of the Aether Currents has been quite interesting, until now ............... I am only posting this as it is effecting all of us now. Maybe our friend Morris can explain this to us ?
I am reluctant to make specific predictions at this point. The more I
learn about the many different causes and effects, the more I realize how
much more I do not know.
The recent Aether current flow brought with it a significant increase in
the M4+ quakes during the past three weeks. I suspect that we will have a
one week break and then the Aether current will start again. This is
because the Sun is rotating and the Aether structures are not asymmetric.
The normal Aether structures look more like conch shells in their
revolution with a gradual outward spiraling plane. Because of a change in the Sun's magnetic strength, the conch shell is now turned on its side and
we are seeing tubes of Aether currents looping from the Sun's equivalent
Arctic circle connecting with the Earth's Arctic circle. It looks somewhat
like a plasma ball sending out tubes of Aether current to the surrounding
glass sphere. Someone might someday build a plasma ball with a rotating
inner sphere and adjacent spheres that simulates this process more
precisely. It might be me if I can find the funding.
Anyway, the recent Aether currents flowing through the Earth represent an
anomaly compared to the past 100 years of solar activity. These currents are seriously altering the internal structure of the Earth on large scales.
When we will see the effects of these currents depends upon the chemistry
and atomic structures present at various locations within the Earth.
Basically, we could expect some of the more dramatic events that seem to
occur every few hundred years. And since this is a particularly rare
barycenter transit of the Sun AND we are passing through the Milky Way
magnetic plane, I am expecting mega events, which occur on scales of
millions and hundreds of millions of years. But it will take decades, if
not centuries for the Milky Way passing effects to come to full fruition.
The barycenter effects likely are the more dominant at this moment.
Still, the barycenter effects may take several years to fully come to
fruition. The several megaquakes we have seen in the past eight years are
gradually increasing in frequency. This is what the present Aether current
activity seems to be driving. The next megaquake may not come for months
or a year, but it is coming and with several more. Similarly, there are
numerous intense volcanic eruptions staring down on us. They may not erupt
for several months or a year, but they are coming. These intense,
large-scale Aether currents are likely the cause.
Well said Tracy! From what I have looked into, it looks like HAARP is at the same frequencies. I think that using simpathec vibrations they are inducing the changes. I did a large report but never published it for obvious reasons. That being they are causing the pols shift. Who are THEY? Hint,when you go to the office at work they send you to Human Resorces. Who would think like that?
These ethers are all existing gases combined,called 9 ether.These gases are electromagnetic energys,new light arc frequencys.This is what the hopi and nuwaubians said in their book.This frequency in the form of electric gases is not only internally effecting the planets in this solar system but also are changing us,starting with the core which ties into the electromagnetic spectrum and our conciousness.