Linda Li
USA has arrived on new earth. New Dawn for USA and the world.
April 15th, 2022
Linda Li
Dear family of love and light, the Divine wants to share good news with you. Today, on Good Friday afternoon, the Divine and the company of heaven have successfully brought souls in the United States to new earth. The process was very smooth and now all souls in America have arrived on new earth.
The Divine and the company of heaven are very pleased with the success. Souls in America have now arrived on new earth and all is well. So the Ascension of the souls in America has been accomplished. The Divine has informed the souls that they have arrived on new earth. The new earth is their new home. From now on, the old systems will no longer be supported. All souls will start the new earth systems and new earth living. Souls will adjust and the adjustment time will be Divinely arranged. Souls will have guidance and souls ascended are very pleased on new earth.
Gaia and the Divine have congratulated souls in America for the successful ascension. The Divine is also very pleased with the result. And the Divine wants to share the good news with light workers. All is well indeed. Divine blessings to you. Linda Li. So it is.