NaturalNews) Disclaimer: I am not an opponent of the theory of inoculation. Nor  am I opposed to science. What I am opposed to is fraudulent science, and  that's what this article is all about.
Measles and mumps are making a  huge comeback in the United States, but doctors and journalists all make the  same critical error in understanding why. They blame "parents who don't  vaccinate their kids" as the cause, but the real cause -- as revealed by  whistleblowing scientists working for top vaccine manufacturers -- is that  measles and mumps vaccines are designed to fail from the  start.
Scientific fraud, it turns out, is an inherent part of the vaccine  industry.
How do we know? Because whistleblowers who worked in the  industry have found the courage to speak out and tell the truth. These people  are the Edward Snowdens of the vaccine industry.

Merck falsified its mumps vaccine efficacy results, say former  employees

Merck knowingly falsified its mumps vaccine test results to  fabricate a "95% efficacy rate" say former Merck virologists Stephen Krahling  and Joan Wlochowski in their shocking False  Claims Act document.
As I  wrote last year, " In order to do this, Merck spiked the blood test with  animal antibodies in order to artificially inflate the appearance of immune  system antibodies."
Merck-False-Claims-Act-1-Page-1-400px.jpgFrom the False Claims Act complaint:
Merck also added  animal antibodies to blood samples to achieve more favorable test results,  though it knew that the human immune system would never produce such antibodies,  and that the antibodies created a laboratory testing scenario that "did not in  any way correspond to, correlate with, or represent real life ... virus  neutralization in vaccinated people," according to the  complaint.
Merck, of course, denies the claims, just like all the  drug companies deny ever engaging  in bribery, or using  children for medical experiments, or ghostwriting  "scientific" studies that get published in science journals, or conspiring  to suppress  competing generic drugs and so on. Yet, as history has shown, all the top  drug companies are routinely engaged in widespread criminal behavior,  including conspiracy, fraud, bribery and more.
Stephen Krahling and Joan  Wlochowski are simply telling us what we already suspected: that Merck falsifies  the efficacy of their vaccines in order to make them appear to be working when  they actually aren't. Why would a drug company do such a thing? Consider the  fact that Merck has both motive and opportunity.

Why drug companies design vaccines to fail

The vaccination dogma is so  deeply embedded in the minds of doctors, journalists and the public, that any  time a communicable disease starts to spread, everybody immediately leaps to the  false conclusion that "more vaccines are needed." This is very nearly a  Pavlovian reaction in the minds of the brainwashed masses. "Spread of disease =  lack of vaccines."
Thus, the spread of disease actually boosts vaccine  sales. Epidemics are a "marketing tool" to create demand for a profitable  product that people can be convinced to purchase over and over again, year after  year, whether it works or not.
And how do you create that demand? You  engineer an epidemic by making sure your own vaccine products don't work.  Fear drives people to get vaccinated, so fear is used as the primary marketing  tool.
But why hasn't the con been exposed yet? Why haven't scientists  announced that most of the children afflicted with measles and mumps are the  very same children who were vaccinated? One study showed that 97  percent of children afflicted with mumps had already been vaccinated against  mumps.
In 2010, a mumps outbreak spread in New Jersey, and 77  percent of children afflicted with mumps had already been vaccinated against  mumps.
The same is true with measles. Most measles outbreaks spread  among those who have been vaccinated against measles.
When a swine  flu outbreak swept through Britain in 2010, it turns out that 70  percent of those infected had already been vaccinated against swine  flu.
Far from protecting people from disease outbreaks, vaccines  often promote the pandemic they claim to prevent.

Vaccines are ASSUMED to work, not proven to work

Why does the industry  keep getting away with this fraud? The answer is because nobody ever compares  infection rates of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated people. They all just ASSUME  vaccines work because that is the dogma of modern medicine. Assumption becomes  "fact" in the minds of brainwashed medical experts.
This is one of the  tenants of the fraud-based medical system: Vaccines are assumed to work 100% of  the time, without exception, and anyone who questions this is immediately  branded a heretic. There is no tolerance whatsoever for any critical thinking or  scientific inquiry when it comes to vaccines. And God forbid if you bring up the  issue of mercury in vaccines, as the vaccine industry apparently believes that  mercury magically becomes non-toxic when used in vaccines and injected into the  body.
Thus, vaccines that fail (due to low efficacy) are never detected  or even questioned. The fraud continues right under our noses. So a vaccine  company can easily put a mumps or measles vaccine into circulation that is  designed to fail while actually weakening the immune system from the mercury,  formaldehyde, MSG and aluminum that are still used in vaccines  today.
This actually causes an increase in the spread of these  diseases, resulting in more alarmist media stories about the "spread of measles  and mumps" which then results in more parents rushing to CVS pharmacies to get  their children injected with yet another useless vaccine.
How's that for  an insidious profit model?
But it's even worse than that. While some  vaccines are simply designed to fail, other vaccines are designed to cause  outbreaks of disease.

Some vaccines are actively spiked with live viruses to cause  pandemics

As Natural News  previously exposed, the vaccine industry was caught shipping live  viruses to vaccine manufacturers of flu vaccines in 18  countries.
This was done by none other than Baxter International, Inc.  one of the top suppliers of "weakened" flu virus material for use in vaccines.  Except in this case, they weren't weakened. Vaccines made with this material  simply gave people the flu!
In the realm of desktop computing,  many people believe that anti-virus companies write and release viruses in order  to cause fear and boost demand for their products. It's an incredibly effective  way to sell more products. All you have to do is pay a group of hackers a couple  of million dollars to keep writing viruses that get covered in the mainstream  media. The scarier the story, the more people buy anti-virus software. I happen  to know firsthand that McAfee uses dishonest scare tactics to sell their  security software services, claiming your website is infected when it actually  isn't.
Vaccine companies, it turns out, use the same tactic. From time to  time, they allow live viruses into the flu shots, thereby spreading influenza  and causing the very kind of fear and panic that drives people into pharmacies  to buy more vaccines.
The WHO and CDC are all part of it too, stirring up  irrational fear and panic like they did with the H5N1 virus a few years ago. It  turns out that WHO  panel members receive kickbacks from drug companies to engineer these  anti-science scare stories.
During the swine flu pandemic, it was  revealed that 5 of the 15 members of a WHO advisory panel had  financial ties to the very same drug companies who would financially benefit  from the pandemic. That's called "conflict of interest" in any other industry,  yet for some reason it is fully tolerated in the fraudulent vaccine  industry.
In 2010, an outstanding article by Dr. Gary Null explained much  of this in excruciating detail. Read that article here  on Natural News.
The deeper you dig into the vaccine industry and its  longstanding practice of scientific fraud, misrepresentation, fear mongering and  "medical false flags," the more you realize just what a total con the vaccine  industry has become.
Read more:
Click  here for an example of the mainstream media blindly blaming a lack of  vaccines for the recent rise in measles and mumps.
Click  here to read the full False Claims Act filed by former Merck virologists.
Learn more:

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  • I sometimes feel the world has been given a chemical prefrontal lobotomy and there is no coming back.

  • Unfortunately guys, It may take action on our part to stop them, how I do not know. I'm certain they think that the dumb masses will not lift a finger to stop us so they will keep on going. And this idea applies to all of it, geo engineering, GMO, pharma, you name it, all of it.

  •    It took me a year to recover from 6 months of taking Statins when I started getting weak. The drugs have already entered our water way's like it or not. Trying to avoid this poison is almost impossible.  

  • Peter,

    Yep. The pharmaceutical industry is another element of the massive control system they are bombarding humanity with. We are being attacked from so many different angles who can keep track of it all.

  • Vaccines are only part of the overall problem which also includes the multitude of prescription drugs that are pumped into a large amount of the population.

    Just enough the keep us sick but alive for long enough for "big pharma" to make plenty of money out of each individual - maybe vaccinations are the start of this process.

    I think it was in 2004 when the high cholesterol level was dropped from 6.5 to 5 - which immediately created 10 million more people requiring (in the eyes of the medical field) prescription cholesterol reducing drugs - mainly "statins" - which, as I understand it, also block the body's use of CoQ10 - which is necessary for many healthy body functions.

    The side effects of prescription drugs are frightening - and generally hidden!

    And the beat goes on .......

  • Donald

       We always hit the same road block and that is the controlled media. The Zionists control almost everything we read and hear.

  • Unless we can find a way to stop it.

  • Vaccines are one of the most sinister operations to harm, control and remove humanity from this planet. The DNA damage alone is reason to incarcerate every human promoting this horror. The mind control and brainwashing is massive on this one. Unfortunately it appears once a human has received a few vaccines they are lost and seek to receive more. I know so many that have fallen into this trap and it is so sad to see the damage continue. And the children part is the most horrifying. At this rate in a generation or two there will be no healthy humans left on this planet.

  • I posted a blog a couple months ago that did a poll on who Americans trusted the most and it turned out that seven of the first eight were movie stars and the number seventh was Bill Gates an admitted eugenicist that travels the world giving vaccines to children and pays to have humanitarian articles published about himself. He just sponsored a polio vaccine in India that paralyzed 10's of thousands of children there. Reeducating the world to the truth will be no easy task especially with the media cowering to corporations. 

  • It's like playing russian roulette to take vaccines.....

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