; listen to short u tube CRIMES, CRIMES, CRIMES
No one is protecting we the people , so you are your last defence. ; listen to short u tube CRIMES, CRIMES, CRIMES
No one is protecting we the people , so you are your last defence.
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Well it looks like in third world countries since they can't starve them to death fast enough, they are attempting to make them sterile through vaccinations.
Vaccines have always been fraud, face it we have been deceived. Now read this.
"... it is indispensible to trouble in all countries the peoples relations with government so as to utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the INOCULATION OF DISEASES, by want, so that the goyim see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else."
- Protocols of the Elders of Zion, written 1897
A certain Marian/Jesus visionary has been preaching for years to not take any vaccines because they are designed to be harmful.
I do not take the flu shot, and neither does my daughter. Of course I can't stop my husband from doing so, he said he was going to get one this year. I hope he didn't.
And I will never allow my daughter to get that nasty ass gardisil crap. My niece got the gardisil when she was 12. I have no idea if it harmed her reproductive system or not. She was lucky to get through that one without serious nerve damage.
Now just read report of young girl in Florida took flu shot fell paralysed brain swollen , the body reacts to poison.
vaccine process is not bad it is the stuff that is allowed to be added DO you know if vaccine kills a love one you CANNOT sue the company ,even if you can prove fault