The Goddess of Liberty says “you must be firm and strong against human suggestions, but humble as a babe before the ‘Great Presence’ which gives you Life”
Today, Beloved Students, I say to you for your eternal, individual Blessing: no matter how great the Powers that you call forth, no matter how great the attainment that you reach, whatever in God’s Name you do, be humble! There is not anything so great in the world as to be humble before this Great Presence and Power, your “Mighty I AM” - firm and strong against human suggestions, but humble as a babe before the Great “Presence” which gives you Life. Then Its Powers will flow in, through you, and out into your world, to bless you and all with whom you come in contact.
Volume 7 – Ascended Master Light, p. 467
Book: Saint Germain Press
The Seven Sacred Weeks
I call the Beloved Cosmic Angel on whose crown blazes the word “Union” to come forth with Its Cosmic Victory, Love and Communion of Light and bless the earth and all Life Streams within, during the Seven Sacred Weeks and forever!
Beloved Cosmic Angel, blaze Thy Flame of Love and Union in our foreheads! Descend with the Light of a Thousand Suns into the Earth and consume all human selfishness! Blaze in, through and around us all the Sacred Fire of Purity and annihilate all obstruction in us and in the atmosphere around us that keeps us from seeing the “Mighty I AM Presence”, the Ascended Masters and the Angelic Host face to face!
I command that this be done right now!
By the Seven Mighty Archangels’ Cosmic Love!
By the Seven Mighty Elohim’s Cosmic Power!
By the Seven Mighty Chohans’ Cosmic Wisdom!
I demand now! And it’s done!
“Almighty I AM!” (3)
Decree 39/49, The Cosmic Angel’s Day,
The Seven Sacred Weeks 2017