We have the Abilities to Create by Commander 7
7/12/2017 01:13:00 PM Message
We have the abilities to create.
I chose to create love and light from my thoughts and my heart brain so everything in that spectrum is of light and higher vibration and creates fast moving changes on the slower dimensions as of earth. That is changing for the higher frequency humans are helping with these higher frequency for earth as too other wonderful light beings from around the universes. "We Are Not Alone"
I chose to read and listen to light frequencies beings.
Anything else will slow your frequencies down and cause much anguish thus you manifest fear delays money and health problems. Watch that you are not subject to being manipulated by human beings that have been possessed and or contaminated from lower beings by ego and fear from the lower 4th dimensions. They may talk the talk but they do not walk the walk.
The light energy has no room for the dark. Whether in their speech or actions. They come from pure light "Only" and "Always"
There is never an excuse why they are not in their light. Listen to your gut instinct no matter what is going on. Listen to your higher light forces, listen to your higher guides, your Angeles you higher Star Families.
They love and honor you. You would like that for yourself as well.
They will never tell you what to do or give you false information to confuse you or lead you astray.
Be in your light, come from your light, create from your light. So you can see the true beauty that you have come to earth to create and always where meant to create.
A living canvas of spirit art.
I love you all.
Commander 7