"Silently, the Vatican is releasing information about Nibiru entering our solar system and extraterrestrial neighbors who have already met with Vatican officials but they are not telling you everything.
While the mainstream media remains conspicuously silent while detracting our attention to idiotic events such as Justin Beiber's DUI, disclosure information has been slowly leaked by the Vatican, indicating the presence of extraterrestrials on, and visiting, our planet along with an incoming anomaly called Planet X and/or Nibiru.
The following testimonies confirm the Vatican's knowledge of extraterrestrials and Nibiru: ......"
James I was on the Vatican site and was told that I was not authorized to view it and if I did not leave in 15 seconds my PC will be destroyed. But I soon realized that it took me 20 seconds to read the message and my PC was OK, so I stayed. Then I found the Third Secret of Fatima. It was short and basically said that Mary said that if man does not change his wicket ways everything that is in the Apocalypse of the Bible will come to pass. And man has to pray to make things better.