Who the Meek Are and How They Inherit the Earth Pt1

Who the Meek Are and How They Inherit  the Earth

YOWUSA.COM,  15-February-2012 Marshall Masters


You're Not Alone! Join with Like-minded Others on  the Planet X Town Hall

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Who the Meek Are and How They Inherit the EarthWhen it comes to the topic of 2012 and Planet X, there is a  consistent theme among government whistle-blowers.

To a man, they say the same three things. They argue that they are paying a  terrible price for their honesty and they each proclaim to “know how Noah felt!”

However, the third thing they say constitutes a warning to anyone who'll  listen: “It is time to get your spiritual house in order.” Although each of  these men grasps this imperative on an intellectual level, all of them struggle  mightily to understand how one achieves that outcome.

This more than anything else frames two critical questions: Who are the most  likely to survive and how will they shape the future? In this article, we will  identify these survivors and explain why they are the meek and, thus, specially  marked to inherit the earth.

Who Are the Meek – Really?

We hear the term meek and we’re told that the meek will inherit the earth.  However, this statement always seems like an irrelevant oxymoron because of how  people presently define the word meek.

The various definitions are provided with intent, because the disinformation  of the ruling elites is an ever present part of the human condition. Likewise,  so is our aversion to confronting this reality.

Then again, there are exceptions to every rule and this was best summed up by  President Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865) when he said, “You can fool some of the  people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot  fool all of the people all of the time.”

With this in mind, the first clue in identifying the “real” meek is to  understand how the word itself has been defiled.

Crossing the CuspHarmony How the Meek  Prevail Chapter 7

=Crossing the  Cusp: Surviving the Edgar Cayce Pole Shift

If we return to the original and current meanings of the word  meek, a profile begins to emerge.

Original Meaning of Meek 12th  CenturyCurrent Meaning of Meek 21st  Century
  • Courteous
  • Gentle
  • Kind
  • Compliant
  • Cowed into submission
  • Docile
  • Spineless
  • Spiritless
  • Tame

When the word meek was first used, it described people who  naturally favor harmonious relations, peace, amity, and friendship—all of which  relate to the notion of harmony. Therefore, the current definitions of meek are  unnatural aberrations—or, in other words, disinformation.

The discussion of the religious, ethical, and philosophical implications of  disinformation is of no consequence to the overarching issue of survival. This  is because not one of our present-day religious faiths, forms of governance, or  other institution has proven itself capable of surviving a protracted, global  catastrophe.

In this same manner, the etymological root of the word meek also falls short  of this same demonstration of longevity. Therefore, a different term is needed  today, one that builds on this etymological root in a way that reflects our  times. That new term for the meek is “spiritual thinker.”

Spiritual Thinkers – The New Meek

The overall population of spiritual thinkers (what one could call the “new  meek”) is a small but growing population that is uniquely suited to the rigors  of surviving a global catastrophe.

These people will come from all walks of life and respect and embrace each  other with equal regard. Within this minority population, the single largest  identifiable demographic group will be spiritual thinking Christians. (Please  note: The author is a secular Jew.)

Spiritual thinking Christians are destined to take their place as part of a  principal force for the enlightened survival of our species. By sheer weight of  numbers, they arguably represent humanity’s greatest hope for an enlightened  future. Likewise, they'll bear the greatest burden.

Conversely, doctrinal Christians will not do as well. Not because someone is  better or worse, good or bad, a heretic or a faithful believer, or any other  ego-based pronouncement for that matter, but because the three things that give  spiritual Christian thinkers their natural survival advantage stem from their  worldview, to wit:

  • Willpower of truth
  • Integrity of love
  • Service to others

To help in understanding these advantages of spiritual thinkers, a comparison  with their doctrinal counterparts will illustrate the point.

Willpower of Truth

When it comes to natural advantages for success, two personal attributes top  the list: willpower and intelligence. As for intelligence, we all must play the  hand we're dealt.

Then again, willpower, which is widely believed to be mostly genetic, is  something we can nonetheless develop and enhance, much like sculpting our bodies  through exercise. But why do it?

The answer to that begins with another question: Who wants to live? Granted,  this question may seem rhetorical if not frivolous. Of course, we all want to  live – well mostly all.

However, in terms of surviving a global catastrophe that may take as long as  a generation to resolve, the “who wants to live?” question takes on a whole new  meaning. In those future dark times, it will be the first part of a morning  roll, so see who shakes their heads yes and who shakes their heads no.

The point here is that we can stockpile all of the equipment, provisions, and  medicines we want, but this does not necessarily give us the willpower to  believe in a better future, to take the next step into a more dismal reality.

This is why this first of the three survival advantages discussed in this  article represents an unbridgeable divide between spiritual and doctrinal  thinkers.

Willpower of Truth
All Spiritual ThinkersAll Doctrinal Thinkers

Find the willpower within themselves to pursue the  truth no matter where it leads them, even if they must eventually stand alone in  their knowing.

They understand the need for the words that cross their  lips to reflect what is in their heart. Therefore, living a lie is  unacceptable.

Fear rejection and consequently submit to the guidance  of ascribed authority figures, while learning to live in silence with troubling  questions.

They lack the willpower to challenge authority figures  and are often heard to say, Don't do as I do. Do as I  say.”

Here is where Providence has prepared spiritual thinking Christians in a  unique way. Even in comparison with other spiritual thinkers such as Jews and  Buddhists, the penalties for marching to the beat of a different drummer are  most severe for those who question the doctrine and dogma of a mainstream  Christian institution.

Those who think that humiliating and shunning people who ask what are deemed  to be heretical questions have helped foster a new kind of Christian.

Subjected to harsh criticism by authority figures and ostracized within their  own circle of support, the amazing thing about spiritual thinking Christians is  that they have no regrets and no complaints about their sacrifice. For them,  despite all they've lost, there is no turning back because they now enjoy a  deeper sense of confidence in their relationship with God than those who mock  them.

Regardless of which side of the issue you're on, or whether you're just an  onlooker, the undeniable fact is that making a sacrifice as great as spiritual  thinking requires tremendous personal willpower.

Once these spiritual thinking Christians break rank with their institutions,  they begin doing something that gives them an immense physiological advantage as  global catastrophe survivors. They do what their God has told them to do: Think  for themselves. And in terms of surviving a global catastrophe, this benefit has  nothing to do with faith or doctrine.

In contrast, doctrinal thinkers are anchored to unassailable absolutes, which  are necessary constructs from an institutional standpoint.  Essentially, they  believe the old adage about everyone singing from the same  page.
Spiritual thinkers understand that unassailable absolutes are like  the boundaries of a maze.  You must navigate through them to reach the  destination, but as with all mazes, it is a complicated process in which many  fail.
Spiritual thinkers want a relationship with the Creator that is  often described as "oneness," a direct connection to all that is.  Thus, they  reject the maze of doctrine and dogma for a simpler, clearer horizon of truth - no matter where it leads them. 
The point here is that the rejection is  not a rejection of faith.  It is a basic disagreement over the need to limit  one's own pursuit of the truth through direct experience, without the need to  pass through a maze of intellectual constructs.   In other words, we were not  made by our Creator to wander through mazes.  We were made to run around them. 

This is because the human mind is a marvelous, programmable, biomechanical  computer. When we compel ourselves to contemplate difficult topics that others  shun, we press the need upon our wetware computer to create new neural circuitry  to process these new demands.

It makes no difference whether the spiritual thinker is a Christian, a Jew,  or a person of another faith. The result is the same. The spiritual thinker  naturally sees the world objectively. This is a prerequisite for pursuing the  truth no matter where it leads you. Ergo, spiritual thinkers have a plan A like  doctrinal thinkers, but likewise, a plan B, a plan C, a plan D, and so  forth.

On the other hand, doctrinal thinkers are invested in whatever plan A their  authority figures ascribe. Should fate challenge that plan, intellectually or  through an event, doctrinal thinkers will first seek to recover their  investment.

This is when you hear them say things like, “God, why have you done this to  me? I did everything I was told to do.” That kind of question usually gets zip  for a response, so the next step is to attempt a reconciliation of the reality  with the flaws of plan A, in the hope of seeing a return of continuity.

This is a curious oddity for those who believe in the Bible, because  Revelations tells us that the Great Tribulation will devastate the whole world  with earthquakes―earthquakes so large they flatten all the buildings in the  world, including churches, synagogues, mosques, and other places of worship.

In that case, what will doctrinal thinkers do when the authority figures who  do the thinking for them are buried under piles of debris? Try winging it with  some hastily formulated plan B? Is that really wise?

Think about this. Doctrinal thinkers follow many different doctrines, with a  winner-takes-all mind-set, in a global game of Russian roulette. One group of  doctrinal thinkers will win and all the rest will lose, which means that the  vast majority of doctrinal thinkers will founder in a global catastrophe. (Continue...)

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