Who the Meek Are and How They Inherit the Earth
YOWUSA.COM, 15-February-2012 Marshall Masters
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For doctrinal Christians, the bottom line is this: Chastise and spurn spiritual thinking Christians and the loss is ALL yours – not theirs. So, before you let fear or ego get the better of you, do what your God teaches you to do. Embrace others with different points of view. Do this and you will have a plan B.
In summary, while doctrinal and spiritual thinkers are diametric opposites when it comes to the willpower of truth, the other two differences between them―integrity of love and service to others―offer reconciliation possibilities for common ground, when the need is greatest.
Integrity of Love
Love is a difficult thing to define it in modern sense. All that we can really agree on is that it brings out the best and the worst in us. However, in a global catastrophe, love will have a simple definition. It will be defined as what we do for others.
In times of great difficulty, we will come to love those on whom we can depend to watch our backs. Like people who share a foxhole with you, it's important to know that you can depend on others.
While it is a simple matter for many to mask ego and malice from others in usual times, during the unusual time of a global catastrophe the pressure of survival will slice through these facades as easily as a hot knife through butter.
Therefore, building confidence does not require bravado and entertaining feats of daring. It requires integrity of love. In terms of surviving a global catastrophe, the emotions of ego and malice will present the greatest challenges. Here is where spiritual thinkers have the advantage.
Integrity of Love | |
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Unequivocally reject ego and malice because these emotions inhibit a true, one-on-one experience with God. When it comes to eliminating ego and malice, the attitude of a spiritual thinker is best described with a quotation from the movies: "Do or do not. There is no try."- Jedi Master Yoda (Star Wars) | Conditionally accept ego and malice at some level, vis-à-vis logic constructs that view these faults as an undesirable part of life that one just deals with in some way. For doctrinal thinkers, the absolute "Do or do not; there is no try" stand on the matter is impractical. They just do the best they can or falsely profess the same. |
In terms of living in our modern industrialized world, doctrinal thinkers have a tremendous advantage over spiritual thinkers when it comes to the acquisition of wealth, power, and prestige. In our material world, balancing any spiritual ambition one might have with the need for acquisition is accomplished through a belief system.
Therefore, for those who prefer the doctrinal path, it is simply a matter of shopping for the right belief system to serve that goal. In the present day, this paradigm provides a perfectly logical way to live and survive in a dog-eat-dog world. It works! And for some, it works incredibly well.
That being said, when circumstances strip away the present day benefits of wealth, power, and prestige, the paradigm ceases to function as advertised. For many doctrinal thinkers, there will be a deep sense of disorientation and loss. For some, this sense of loss will be accompanied by a headlong plunge into the most despicable of human behaviors and worse.
Today, deceptive shades of gray define the integrity of love for many. Spiritual thinkers already see through deceptions with considerable ease. In a prolonged global catastrophe, these shades of gray will give way to the black and white of hard living that everyone will know, feel, and see.
In a future world beset by catastrophe, spiritual thinkers will see these deceptions even quicker – and they'll be even faster to avoid them. Likewise, those who follow these spiritual thinkers will entertain neither your pleas nor your entreaties. You will silently be left to fend for yourself because what is expressed in your eyes has said it all.
The lesson here for doctrinal thinkers is quite clear. Should unforeseen circumstances compel you to seek help from a spiritual thinker, be honest with that person about who you are and what you are prepared to do. While such honesty cannot guarantee a desirable outcome, it will provide the possibility for a dialog.
Assuming this happens and you can engage in that dialog, what can you do to achieve a desirable outcome? This question brings us to service to others, the third difference between spiritual thinkers and doctrinal thinkers.
Service to Others
The term service to others is often presented as an absolute opposite of service to self. This is a common misconception. What service to others means is that you seek a harmonious balance between your needs as an individual and the needs of others.
Service to Others | |
All Spiritual Thinkers | Most Doctrinal Thinkers |
As a direct result of being ostracized by institutions, spiritual thinkers no longer need to seek the acknowledgments and rewards bestowed by those institutions for certain behaviors. For them, service to others takes on a larger meaning: They have the responsibility as co-creators to leave this a better world than they found it. | All people are inherently good, and many a doctrinal thinker has thrown himself upon a grenade to save his fellow soldiers. However, in more mundane circumstances, many doctrinal thinkers are susceptible to the promise of rewards and acknowledgments for an acceptable form of service to others. |
Let's assume that at some future date you, as a doctrinal thinker, wander half-starved into an encampment of spiritual thinkers. You see someone digging what looks to be a latrine. Alongside the pit is an extra shovel. In this example, you have just two ways to proceed:
A. You approach the encampment and make the offer, “If you'll feed me, I'll help you dig that latrine.”
B. You pick up the extra shovel, jump in the hole, and start to dig with a smile on your face.
If you answered A, then you’d best hope that the spiritual thinkers in that encampment are in need. If not, your offer will be politely declined.
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However, if you answered B, and did your level best to dig a nice latrine, someone will observe your need to eat, and that person will gladly help you in the same manner you have helped the people in the encampment.
Why? Because spiritual thinkers are courteous, gentle, and kind, and they have always been with humanity. However, it is now that their numbers have begun to grow exponentially, in preparation for the tribulation to come.
And it was only in the 12th century that we finally created a word to describe them. The “meek.”
Who the Meek Are and How They Inherit the Earth
Who the meek are is defined by the etymology of the word itself. They are courteous, gentle, and kind. In other words, the meek seek a harmonious state within themselves and with the world around them. This is why they shun dogma and doctrine. They instinctively know that people who tell them how to think never have their best interests at heart. Therefore, they gravitate to those who lead by example, for the common good.
On the other hand, current Western thought favors acquisition over harmony. Science is used as a means to systematically and rapaciously acquire new resources, and politics are used (often recklessly) to facilitate this acquisition.
Institutional doctrine and dogma (scientific and religious) are then used to mask the consequences of these shortsighted acquisition tactics so as to justify their aims. The result has benefited the few by creating a world that is needlessly polluted and contentious for the vast majority of people on the planet.
So where does this lead us? For the purpose of this discussion, it leads us to Elbert County, Georgia, USA, were a large granite monument was erected in June 1979. Called the Georgia Guidestones, it offers a secret society ten commandments for the 21st century, translated into eight different languages. The first of these commandments is, “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.”
The interesting part of this commandment is that the manner in how that number is determined, is not mentioned. Only that we do arrive at it.
In other words, this monument, which is also called the "American Stonehenge," is telling us that only 1 in 14 will survive the coming tribulation.
To put this in perspective, Christianity represents a global population of 2.04 billion, or some 32% (and falling) of all humans living today. If we were to assume that the Georgia Guidestones only speak about Christians (and exclude all others), we would see that fewer than 1 in 4 Christians would survive the tribulation. In that case, does the Rapture balance the books, so to speak?
Not mentioned directly in Scripture, the Rapture is an interpretation of Scripture dating back to the 17th century. Like any other interpretation, variations on a theme are inevitable. Hence, timing is an issue with regard to which Christians make it into the surviving population.
However, the critical point here is that none of these interpreted Rapture scenarios has ever been tested in the crucible of a global catastrophe. In this regard, spiritual thinkers are not invested in one scenario or a