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  • there's not a lot we can do. in fact absolutely nothing. now if you go out in the street and ask the average American what these acts are, where in the defense authorization bill the detention clause are held  ( i know it is at the back of the bill) and I am English, the point I make is very few are informed. television has such a hypnotic hold on most people, yet few are really know  about what s happening. same in my own country

    so, my idea as always is hold your own ground, defend your own territory, make you home life your little fiefdom, if you have a family fine, make sure they know what is going on. I am alone, and have few if any attachments, , not even friends as such, so basically have no problems  here. I can take to the road, and many can do this.

    in the meantime we have to make our home our little fortress, and simply avoid the security measure, and the various things  being put in place. I would say, don,t fly, drive or use a train don't break any laws, keep your head down, not in a cowardly way, simply avoid the state as much as you can but keep informed . a bit like working under cover. and if we are heading into a catastrophic situation prepare to take to the hills, and backwoods. this is my strategy.  

  • Before our spineless lawmakers passed the NDAA their aproval rating was 8% by now it must be closer to zero. I can't help but wonder if they passed it to protect themselfs for all their criminal dealings. Even though we know this type of legislation was somewhere in the works anyway. Now they are going to pass SOPA and the IP ACT to stop any further release of truth to the sheeple, it was delayed till after xmas but I expect them to be called back in to vote before their recess is over, thats how they sneak bills through. A BLACK CLOUD has covered everything we ever believed in as being free people.  

  • Too many reports, where there's smoke there has to be fire. sadly as in all these things, we can only wait t see how events work out. then it will be too late.

  • The strange thing is they flew near the 210 and over the chemical plants!

  • God only knows Tammy

  • I saw 2 fighter jets here in Lake Charles today which is strange!  Any ideas?

  • The reports seem to dissapear quicky after they appear. LIKE THE 50,000 TR0OPS from china in Mexico,60 mi below the border. It does seem something is in the wind my friend. A friend in colorado saw UN troops a month ago, from FRANCE.

  • SOPA, that is the Internet bill am  correct? it is uncanny how it is all being put in place. I am beginning to think the prognostications of John Dinardo are correct, they are installing a security state, to prevent mass anarchy. I cannot imagine what could be driving them unless it is something cataclysmic on the horizon,, otherwise it does not make sense.  i have thoughts Byron of getting my rucksack packed and ready, just in case, for foreign troops i have heard about this have you any information on this??

  • Our troops have been trained to search houses on a daily basis since the beginning of Irag and many will blindly follwow orders. My worst fear is the amount of foriegn troops on our soil hiding at air bases right now. If they vote on SOPA this wednesday we will be left in the dark about what is happening anywhere. Just another sneakie holiday trick to pass legislation while we are occupied with the holiday and not watching.

  • it all seems so predictable and coordinated. like some gigantic soap opera playing out. not a single trace of humanity or thought for the suffering  of the troops, and the populations. I do wonder if the players are infested with some evil entity, or brainwashed. remember how the Montauk project , we are told, processed thousands of children , turning the minds and implanting things into them , like Manchurian candidates? I do wonder if some of the US politician were montauk boys and the alters in them have become activated. Do some research on alters, and brainwashing

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